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yùn fù
  • the essential vowel in a compound vowel, as in;essential vowel in a compound vowel
韵腹 [yùn fù]
  • [essential vowel in a compound vowel] 声韵学名词。一个完全的汉语韵母,可分为韵头、韵腹、韵尾三部分,韵腹通常为整个音节中发音最响亮的部分,又称为主要元音

韵腹[yùn fù]
  1. 对韵腹技术的艺术处理可达到歌唱性;

    Through music belly art processing technology to achievesinging ;

  2. 古缅语长短元音是一种历史语音现象,产生的前提在于语音系统内部发展的不平衡,韵尾的不同导致韵腹元音松紧特征的不同,进而产生了松紧元音。

    Being a historical phenomenon of phonetics , the long and short vowels of ancient Burmese originated from the lax and tense vowels .