首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 商汤用义取天下,开始使用武力和兵器。

    The ruler of Shang relied on righteousness , so they first used weapons .

  2. 儒家以仁义为本的荣辱观还体现在其以义取利的经济伦理思想中。

    Confucian view of honor and disgrace is also embodies in its economic ethics of making profits by loyalty .

  3. 其中据义求利的取财原则、俭奢有度的消费原则以及爱民富民的价值目标也为现代企业管理和宏观调控提供了一定的思想启迪。

    Its basic principles and aims also enlightened the Westernization Movement and the Reformism , the enterprise management and macroscopic control .