
  • 【地名】【越南】Nghia Trung
  1. 义中还就hT随时间和地磁(或地理)纬度变化的机制作了简要讨论。

    The mechanism of variation in hT with time and geomagnetic ( or geographic ) latitude and longitude is briefly discussed .

  2. 有一种意象,感悟着生活原义中的心灵回归。

    There is a image to life has a profound understanding and comprehension .

  3. 在句义中表达一个意思的单元被称为语义单元。

    An element to express a meaning in an SS is called semantic element ( SE ) .

  4. 我们也无需陷在自义中,因为我们得以站在上帝面前并不因着我们的成就。

    We need not get caught in the trap of self-justification , for our standing before God does not depend on our accomplishments .

  5. 大家从许多基督教义中知道,耶稣本身成全了律法。

    Now in a lot of Christian doctrine what you 're taught is that Jesus did fulfill the law in his own person .

  6. 在后来的基督教义中,慈悲、仁爱或者像关心自己一样关心邻居等,都被看作是爱。

    The idea that charity , philanthropy or caring for one 's neighbour as oneself were also kinds of love came later with Christianity .

  7. 语义格是存在于一切语言深层结构中的一种普遍现象。句义中的语义格体现了体词的不同功能和意义类别。

    As a common phenomenon that exists in the deep structure of all languages , semantic case embodies different functions and categories of substantive words .

  8. 至于我,我必在义中见你的面。我醒了的时候,得见你的形像,就心满意足了。

    As for me , I will behold thy face in righteousness : I shall be satisfied , when I awake , with thy likeness .

  9. 主要运用了会话隐义中的对话合作原则来分析夫妻间的对话,探讨其婚姻冲突。

    Based on the cooperative principle in the Conversational Implicature Theory , this paper analyzes the dialogue between the husband and wife to probe the marital conflict .

  10. 第三部分是义素分析的模式及其在辨析同义词组词位义中的应用。

    The third part of the paper is models of sememe analysis and its application to differentiation of the sense and the connotation of a group of synonym .

  11. 耶稣骑卑微的驴驹进入耶路撒冷,表明祂的国度是在怜悯和公义中来临的;

    These leaders had learned this from Jesus , who rode into Jersualem on a lowly donkey to show that his kingdom comes through compassion and justice for all .

  12. 武昌首义中,居正通过其独特的身份开展有效的联络工作,团结统一了武汉地区的革命力量,使孙中山、黄兴等革命领袖及时了解湖北革命实力,加快了其它地区起义的发生;

    In Wu Chang revolution , Ju Zheng united Wu Han 's revolution strength , made the revolution leaders such as Huang Hsing , Sun Yat-sen etc know revolution power in Hu Bei and quickened the uprising of other areas through his special status developing effective work .

  13. 由于他们能与信使核糖核酸(mRNA)靶特异性结合,进而抑制靶基因的翻译,因而在反义技术中已被成功地应用。

    They have been successfully used in antisense technology , for their ability to specifically bind to messenger RNA ( mRNA ) targets and to inhibit translation of the target genes .

  14. 结果:在设计合成的4条反义肽中,筛选出一条反义多肽(R4),其与C5a分子间相互作用的解离平衡常数值(KD)o662×10-6mol/L;

    Results : There is one piece of anti-sense peptide ( R4 ) being screened from these four synthesized peptides .

  15. 浅议《三侠五义》中的叙事性因素

    Narrative Factors of Three Knight-errants and Five Righteous Persons

  16. 上下文语境在对外汉语教学词语义分析中的重要作用

    Importance of Context in the Vocabulary Analysis of TCSL

  17. 透过五色看中华民间灯彩的美学意蕴《三侠五义》中的鬼神崇拜及其文化意蕴

    Look at Aesthetic Implication of Chinese Folk Colored Lantern Through Five Colors ; The Spirits Worship and Cultural Implication of the Chivalrous Detective Novel

  18. 同时,在燃烧义场中还有一类较为特殊的词语,这是在其他语义场研究中未曾发现的。

    Meanwhile , this paper discusses a peculiar kind of words in burning semantic field which has not been discovered in other studies of semantic field .

  19. 通过前两章的分析能够对把字句的若干句法语义特征中的例外现象做出较统一的解释。

    Through the analysis of the first two chapters to the Ba , we can give uniform interpretation to the exceptions in a number of syntactic semantic features .

  20. 文章仅以《唐律疏义》中关于动物致害责任的规定为核心,在现代侵权法的语境中对唐代的侵权民事责任进行学理分析。

    This essay , based on the responsibility of damage caused by animals stipulated by Tang law , analyzes civil liability of Tang tort in modern concept of tort law .

  21. 他在《天主实义》中多以天主教教义附和儒家思想,探究天主教义和儒学的相通之处,如利玛窦认同儒家仁的思想,且不反对中国的祭祖传统。

    He studied the similarities of Catholicism and Confucianism , For example , Matteo Ricci recognized the Confucian " benevolence ", and not against the Chinese tradition of ancestor worship .

  22. 处于同一语义场中的词,对场内其他词的词义具有约束性;同一个词处于不同语义场中,其词义也会有所不同。

    In the same words in semantic field , the field other words the meaning ofbinding ; The same word in different semantic field , its meaning will be different , too .

  23. 在词汇层,情感语义具有所指意义、伴随意义和潜在意义三种语义地位,分别存在于情感意义词、情感伴随词和情感潜义词中。

    At the lexical level , affective semantics includes referent meaning , accompanying meaning and potential meaning , which respectively lies with affective semantic words , affective accompanying words and affective potential words .

  24. 但在本岐义案例中,帕累托最优的策略获得了最高的诠释效用,那么该策略将会获得最高的转换效用。

    But in this case of ambiguity , it turns out that the Pareto Optimal strategy gains the highest interpretation payoff , therefore , it should gain the highest transformation payoff as well .

  25. 基于对动作类别词的语义分类,在义场中参照词典释义和例句,采用内省方法提取义征,列出义征表达式,在此基础上归纳义征标记集和义征描写框架。

    Based on the semantic word category classification , in the justice field in the light of the Dictionary and phrases , meaning extraction methods using introspection levy , based on this marker set into justice and justice levy expression .

  26. 中国戏剧是市民文化土壤上盛开的璀灿之花,有关戏剧的一些美学信息,隐含在汉字戏、剧的形义系统中。

    The play of China is a flower which came out on the soil of townspeople culture . There are some aesthetics information of China 's play in the system of form and meaning of Chinese character Xi and Ju .

  27. 关系源潜隐于各种线性和非线性的句法语义关系中,不像成分源显露在歧义结构的词项序列上,因此又可称为隐性歧义源。

    The sources conceal in various kinds of linear and non-linear semantic relations of syntax , and they do not appear on an array of word of the ambiguous structure as the composition sources , so they can be called the ambiguous source of recessive ness .

  28. 在转反义基因植株中V大量积累而Z和A的含量非常低。

    V accumulated in antisense transgenic tomato plants , but Z and A content was very low .

  29. 目的:验证mRNA二级结构保守性在反义药物设计中的作用,获得靶向HER-2mRNA的优于已报道阳性药物的序列。

    AIM : To study the role of mRNA secondary structure stability in antisense drug design and obtain better antisense candidates against neu / HER-2 / erbB-2 mRNA than previous report .

  30. 说《论语》中的义浅说英语中的oxymoron

    Moral Righteousness in Analects of Confucius Brief Introduction to " Oxymoron " Used in English