
  1. 关于义乌站开行行包专列情况的调查与分析

    Investigation Analysis on Operating a Special Train of Luggage Parcel From Yiwu Station

  2. 义乌站开行行包专列后,取得了一系列成果。

    After the operation of the special train of luggage & parcel from Yiwu station , a series of achievements have been gained .

  3. 成都-上海行包专列运行调查与启示关于义乌站开行行包专列情况的调查与分析

    Investigation on the Run of Special Parcel Train Between Shanghai and Chengdu and the Inspiration Investigation Analysis on Operating a Special Train of Luggage Parcel From Yiwu Station

  4. 宾王市场地处二十一世纪商贸中心,紧邻义乌火车站和客运中心,交通极为便利。

    Located in the 21st Century Trade Center and next to the railway station and North Bus Station , Binwang Market enjoys a convenient transport .