
  1. 浙八味主产地土壤重金属含量分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation of the Content of Heavy Metal of Soil in Main Producing Areas of Zhejiang 8 Famous Kinds Herbal Medicines

  2. 前言:中药“浙八味”作为浙江地区道地药材的代表,也是浙江“中药文化”的突出代表。

    As representative of genuine medicinal materials in Zhejiang province , Chinese medicine " Zhebawei " is obvious example of Zhejiang culture of TCM .

  3. 历史上曾享有“杭白菊与龙井茶”并提之誉是我国传统著名出口中药材“浙八味”之一。

    Historically enjoyed ," Chrysanthemum and Longjing tea " and put the reputation is well-known export of traditional Chinese medicine in China ," Zhejiang Bawei " one .