
  1. 最后,在系数N和R的指导下,在浙江大学热能工程研究所高温气固两相流风洞试验台上验证测量系统的可靠性。

    Finally , under the guidance of coefficient N and R , experiments were taken in high-temperature gas-solid two-phase flow wind tunnel in Institute of Thermal Engineering at Zhejiang University , to verify the reliability of the measurement system .

  2. 针对这一情况,本文对浙江大学热能工程研究所提出了一种可应用于锅炉改造中的新型旋风分离器&方形卧式分离器进行了试验和理论研究。

    To this case , a new kind of cyclone , the horizontal square cyclone , has been presented in this paper .

  3. 浙江大学热能工程研究所内建立的高温气固两相流风洞试验台是校重点项目,为了保障该实验系统安全稳定的运行,一套可靠的实验台监控系统是必不可少的。

    The wind tunnel established by Institute of Thermal Power Engineering of Zhejiang University is a key project of the university . In order to ensure the feasibility of laboratorial system , a dependable monitoring and controlling system is necessary .