
  • 网络thin film evaporator;MVC-HSFE;T.F.E
  1. 基于CFD的刮板式薄膜蒸发器工艺计算及辅助设计系统

    Process calculation and aided design system of the wiped thin film evaporator based on CFD

  2. 通过对薄膜蒸发器内各料液进行CFD分析,针对高粘度物料提出了一种物料膜厚计算方法。

    A calculation method of liquid film thickness for high viscosity fluid was put forward by CFD analysis of fluids in thin film evaporator .

  3. 以VISUALBASIC6.0为开发工具,开发了薄膜蒸发器辅助设计系统。

    The aided design system for thin film evaporator was developed by Visual Basic 6.0 exploiting technology .

  4. 采用ADODATA控件访问数据技术,完成了薄膜蒸发器辅助设计系统的数据存储与查询。

    The data saving and query of the system are finished by ADO Data technology .

  5. 薄膜蒸发器三维参数化设计及其CAE研究

    Research on 3D Parametric Design and CAE of Thin-film Evaporator

  6. PTA装置薄膜蒸发器用材分析

    Analysis of Selected Materials for Film Evaporator of PTA Unit

  7. 基于SolidWorks的薄膜蒸发器三维参数化设计

    3D parametric design of thin film evaporator based on solidWorks

  8. 薄膜蒸发器分离聚氨酯固化剂中游离TDI的研究

    Study on Separation of Residual TDI from TDI-TMP Prepolymer by Thin Film Evaporator

  9. 以此为基础,综合考虑CFD数值模拟得出的最佳进料量要求,实现薄膜蒸发器的工艺计算。

    Based on the results , the process calculation of thin film evaporator was realized by synthetically considering the optimum feed rate derived from CFD simulation .

  10. 在自行开发的薄膜蒸发器二维参数化设计系统的基础上,通过VISUALBASIC语言对SolidWorks软件进行二次开发,实现了薄膜蒸发器三维参数化设计及其虚拟装配设计。

    On the basic of self-developed 2D parametric design system of thin film evaporator , the 3D parametric design and virtual assembling design of thin film evaporator were realized by the development of SolidWorks based on Visual Basic .

  11. 分析了PTA装置残渣薄膜蒸发器跳停的原因,提出预防措施。

    According to the structure , technology and operation characteristics of residue film evaporator of PTA plant in Luoyang Petro-chemical Complex , the trip reasons were analyzed , the precautionary measures were put forword .

  12. 建立了薄膜蒸发器的计算模型,采用大型计算流体力学(CFD)分析软件CFX4.4模拟了薄膜蒸发器内水及粘性料液的流动过程,得到了各种速度分布。

    The calculation model of thin film evaporator ( TFE ) was developed , the flow of water and viscous fluid was simulated using CFX 4.4 software and the velocity distribution was obtained .

  13. 得到的TDI加成物和三级蒸馏相比,工艺简单,设备投资小,说明内冷式薄膜蒸发器设备采用两级分离聚氨酯预聚物中的TDI是可行的。

    Compared to the three-step distillation process , this technology shows advantages of simple technology and less investment for facilities . It has shown that the present two-step separation by use of thin film evaporator for reduction of free TDI in polyurethane prepolymer is feasible .

  14. 针对自行设计的薄膜蒸发器,以水为物料,采用大型CFD软件CFX4.4,初步探讨了刮板转速、进料量、进料温度等参量对薄膜蒸发器蒸发段长度和加热段膜内传热系数的影响。

    Based on the designed thin film evaporator , the influence of the rotor speed , feed rate and liquid inlet temperature on evaporation length and film heat transfer coefficient was primarily discussed using the software CFX 4.4 with water as feed liquid .

  15. 介绍了国产Luwa型固定刮板式搅拌薄膜蒸发器的性能及结构,目前国产化及使用情况,以及在我国推广使用的前景和效益。

    This paper introduces the performance and structure of domestic Luwa type fixed scraper stirring film evaporator , current situation of its domestication and application as well as the prospect and benefit of its popularization and application in China .

  16. 特殊制作的XIR夹层节能玻璃,可有效降低电磁波辐射强度,具备电磁屏蔽功能。对薄膜蒸发器蜂窝夹套结构进行结构与强度分析,具有重要的研究价值和工程意义。

    Through special process , XIR laminated glass can effectively made to reduce the strength of electromagnetic interference ( EMI ), and working as shielding device . It is important to analyze its strength for the structure of dimple jacket and optimize the structure .

  17. 新型内冷式薄膜蒸发器的传热与蒸发性能

    Heat Transfer and Evaporating Performance of the New-Type Inner-Condensing Thin-Film Evaporator

  18. 机械搅拌式薄膜蒸发器的计算机辅助设计软件

    Computer aided design software of mechanical agitated thin - film evaporator

  19. 旋转薄膜蒸发器又名刮抹薄膜蒸发器或搅拌薄膜蒸发器。

    Rotafilm evaporator is also called wiped or stirred film evaporator .

  20. 薄膜蒸发器在烧碱浓缩中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Thin Film Evaporator in Caustic Soda Concentration Process

  21. 蜂窝夹套薄膜蒸发器的失效隐患及其防护

    Failure and Prevention of the Dimped Jacket Thin Film Evaporators

  22. 刮板薄膜蒸发器在环氧树脂生产中的应用

    The application of scrapper thin film evaporator on the production of epoxy

  23. 旋转薄膜蒸发器蒸馏富集-感耦等离子体原子发射光谱法同时测定水中微量元素

    Concentration and Simultaneous Determination of Trace Elements in Water by Rotating Vaporizer-ICP-AES

  24. 粗集理论在薄膜蒸发器工况预警中的应用

    Application of Rough set theory on operating early warming of Thin-film Evaporator

  25. 薄膜蒸发器内流体流动模拟

    Simulation of fluid flow of an agitated thin-film evaporator

  26. 薄膜蒸发器挠性转子的研制

    Research and Fabrication of Flexible Rotor in Film Evaporator

  27. 薄膜蒸发器在液体橡胶干燥中的应用

    Application of a thin-film vaporizer to drying liquid rubber

  28. 薄膜蒸发器转子系统固有频率及稳态不平衡响应分析

    Natural frequency and stable unbalance response analysis of rotor system for thin-film evaporator

  29. 薄膜蒸发器配套72%片碱生产装置

    72 wt % flake caustic soda production plant equiped with thin film evaporator

  30. 薄膜蒸发器结构参数对流体传热性能的影响

    Influence of Structure Parameters of Thin Film Evaporator on the Fluid Heat Transfer Performance