
báo gǒng bà
  • thin arch dam
薄拱坝[báo gǒng bà]
  1. 双曲薄拱坝碾压混凝土配合比设计及性能研究

    On roller compacted concrete mix design and its performance double curvature thin arch dam

  2. 薄拱坝上翘型泄洪中孔水力特性的初步研究

    Research of the hydraulic character of the warped medium outlet on a thin arch dam

  3. 重点介绍了文献〔1〕中对MorrowPoint双曲薄拱坝的研究方法及结果.说明了有缝拱坝施工缝张开时的地震反应的研究途径和方法。

    To illustrate the research method of earthquake responses of these arch dams , the analysis procedure and results of Morrow Point thin and double-curvature arch dam are shown .

  4. 下会坑大坝为浆砌石双曲薄拱坝,最大坝高102.39m,厚高比0.2,是国内同类坝中第一高坝。

    The dam of Xia-hui-keng is a hyperbolic thin masonry dam with the height of 102.39m and the ratio of height to think of 0.2 , which is the highest one of same type dams .

  5. 薄拱坝静力分析的样条半解析法

    Spline Semi-analytical Method for Stress Analysis of Thin Arch Dams

  6. 薄拱坝坝身泄洪布置及消能效果的研究

    The study of the thin-arch-dam layout for flood spillway and the effect of energy dissipation

  7. 弹性地基上薄拱坝壳体理论差分法的计算

    A Finite Difference Method of Shell Theory For Calculation of Thin Arch Dam on Elastic Foundation

  8. 双曲薄拱坝动力计算与模型试验结果分析比较

    Dynamic Analysis of and Comparison Between the Results Obtained by Dynamic Calculation and Model Tests for a Concrete Double Curvature Arch Dam

  9. 龙首水电站全碾压混凝土薄拱坝的建成,证明了碾压混凝土筑坝技术完全能够替代常态混凝土筑坝。

    The construction of the RCC thin arch dam of LHP shows that the RCC dam can replace conventional concrete dam in most cases .

  10. 当前采用的拱坝设计理论不能对薄拱坝超出弹性范围的应力状态进行恰当地描述。

    The theory of arch dam design adopted at present can 't illustrate the state of stress of the thin arch dam beyond the scope of elasticity .

  11. 提出了岩石坝基上的低坝应充分考虑采用浆砌石薄拱坝的必要性与可行性。

    It is suggested in this paper that the thin cement - rubble masonry structure should be considered for the small dams on bedrock on the basis of the necessity and feasibility .

  12. 针对拱坝静力分析的有限元法计算复杂,且存在解决坝型选优问题时精度不高等缺点,以壳体理论和能量原理为基础,提出了薄拱坝静力分析的样条半解析法。

    Based on the theory of shells and variational principle , with the spline finite element method , a semi analytical method which is used to analyse thin arch dams is presented in this paper .

  13. 碾压混凝土高坝和高薄拱坝的建设,对材料的性能提出了更高的要求,需要研究碾压混凝土的收缩及抗裂问题。

    With the construction of RCC tall dam and tall and thin arch dam , the demands of material performance become higher and higher . Therefore , the researches on the RCC shrinkage and crack resistance become much more requisite .

  14. 柔度系数大于界限柔度系数,拱坝破坏可能带有失稳性质,属薄拱坝范围;柔度系数小于界限柔度系数,拱坝将发生强度破坏,属厚拱坝范围。

    When the slenderness coefficient is greater than the " critical slenderness coefficient ", the arch dam will maybe become instable and it is a thin one ; or strength failure will take place and the arch dam is a thick one .

  15. 电站的主体枢纽建筑&双曲薄拱坝坝高278米,远远超过现行拱坝规范控制的200米,建成后将是世界上较高的拱坝之一。

    The height of the major building of the hydropower-complex project & a hyperbolic thin-arch dam is 278m , which is largely overstep 200m given by current criterion . It will be one of the highest arch dam when it is finished .

  16. 由于我国高拱坝建设的兴起,以及拱坝体形优化设计使坝体的厚度更薄,拱坝部分区域已接近薄壳结构,可能导致坝体结构失稳的发生。

    Because of the development of construction of high arch dams in China and thinner dam body with the use of optimum design , local regions of arch dams approach thin shell structure , which will lead to structural buckling .

  17. 薄碾压混凝土拱坝采取整体碾压的施工方式,温度荷载是主要的设计荷载之一。

    Temperature loading is one of the main design loading of thinly roller-compacted concrete ( RCC ) arch dams which are whole roller-compacted .

  18. 通过三维有限元瞬态温度场仿真分析,得到了某100m级薄碾压混凝土双曲拱坝从施工到运行全过程温度场变化规律,为该工程的温控措施设计和控制温度应力提供了依据。

    By 3D FEM transient simulation analysis of temperature field , the law of temperature field change of the arch dam in the whole process from construction to operation is found out , providing basis for design of temperature control and control of temperature stress in this project .

  19. 采用有限单元法计算并比较了薄碾压混凝土双曲拱坝在坝身无孔、设表孔以及设表孔的同时又增设水平梁和闸墩三种情况下的坝身应力分布。

    Three cases of the stress distribution of a thin RCC double curvature arch dam , i. e. without upper outlets , with three upper outlets , and with three upper outlets and a horizontal beam and piers , are calculated and compared .