
pái jù
  • Row spacing;array pitch
排距[pái jù]
  1. 钻孔作业应尽可能地按爆破设计的炮孔间距和排距钻孔。

    For the holes to be drilled , their spacing and array pitch should be to the full extent consistent with the design for the blasting .

  2. 影响岩体爆破开挖扰动的因素很多且复杂,利用灰色关联分析方法,对各因素进行分析,找出主要影响因素是单孔药量、排距、孔距、结构面倾角和卸荷量。

    Using gray relational analysis method , analyze various factors . Then identify the main factors to be dose-hole , array pitch , row pitch , structural plane angle and unloading quantity .

  3. 方格形最优布孔为正方形,其孔、排距均为2~(1/2)R。

    Square arrangement is better for rectangular system , the optimum intervals of holes and rows are all equal to 2 ~ 1 / 2 R.

  4. 双排气膜孔出流对换热的增强效果随孔排距的增加先增大后减小,在孔排距为10D时最大。

    The heat transfer enhancement increases and then decreases with the increase of the distance between rows , and is highest when the distance between rows is10D .

  5. 排距增大到6d时双排桩支护效果接近于顶部支撑桩。

    Yet when it increases to 6 times , the retaining and protecting effect of the structure is closely to that of the sustaining pile on the top .

  6. 对200/h绞吸式挖泥船进行技术改造,使其挖深达16m,排距1500m,疏浚能力达350/h。

    Technical innovations were carried out to 200m 3 / h cutter suction dredgers , which satisfied a dredging depth of 16m , spoiling distance of 1500m and dredging capacity of 350m 3 / h.

  7. 并使用ANSYS和FLAC分别对锚固体和巷道围岩的变形破坏过程进行了数值模拟,图像处理结果和数值模拟结果一致,为锚杆支护设计提供间距、排距的理论依据。

    Furthermore , the processes of bolted rocks ' and tunnel rocks ' deformation were simulated with ANSYS and FLAC . The regular patterns are accordant with the numerical simulated results . The theoretical guides have been provided for the bolt supporting parameters design of spacing interval and array pitch .

  8. 振冲桩按梅花形布置,排距2.6m、桩距3.0m,填料用粗砂或2~8cm粒径碎石。

    The arragement of vibration holes are quincunx with a row space of 2.6m and distance between holes of 3m . The filling materials are coarse sand or crushed stone with 2 ~ 8cm size .

  9. 中型挖泥船输泥排距增大的试验研究

    An Experimental Investigation on Enhancing the Mud Conveyance-Distance of the Middle-sized Dredger

  10. 荆江大堤加固工程中的长排距吹填施工

    Long distance reclamation for strengthening of Jingjiang Dyke

  11. 超长排距沉管的敷设直线放样的精度分析

    Accuracy Analysing for Laying out the Straight Line

  12. 低渗透各向异性地层合理井排距比研究

    Study of the reasonable ratio of space between wells and rows in low permeability reservoirs

  13. 宽孔距微差爆破机理及其合理的孔距与排距

    Mechanism of wide spacing short delay blasting and its proper burden adn spacing of the holes

  14. 排线为丝杆离合换向,独立电机驱动,通过变频调速可调节排距;

    Traverse device driven by independent motor and direction change is carried out through screw-shaft reduction device .

  15. 分析了不同参数对渗流过程的影响,包括启动压力梯度、井排距、注采压差、人工缝长和不同渗流参数等。

    The factors included start-up pressure gradient , well spacing , fracture length and injection-production pressure drawdown .

  16. 排距&影响帷幕的厚度;

    Array pitch-affecting curtain thickness ;

  17. 适当提高水草疏密度、减少排距、增加草场长度,可获得较好的缓流及消波效果.研究成果为现场布置人工水草场提供了设计依据。

    The results of the study have provided a basis for designing the insitu artificial seaweeds projects .

  18. 软化卸压带的软化系数与炮眼间距及排距呈双曲线关系。

    The relation between the softening factor of the destressed zone and borehole spacing and row spacing is a hyperbolic curve .

  19. 灌浆孔的布置和施工程序;孔距、排距、孔向及孔深;

    Layout and construction step of of grout hole , hole distance , row distance , hole direction and hole depth ;

  20. 减小排距和列距可以改善水垫压力场的均匀稳定性;

    The smaller distance of the muzzles array , the better the uniformity and stability of water cushion pressure fields are .

  21. 拉筋布置的排距与数目是影响新型旋转圆盘干燥机设计优劣的主要因素。

    The array pitch and number of lacing wires are the major factors affecting the quality of design of rotary pan dryer .

  22. 分析了管道输送加气减阻的机理和延长排距的效果,在模型试验的基础上进行了实船试验。

    The experiment shows that it can drag reduction and extend the discharge distance of pipeline transportation by ejecting compressed air to dredger pipeline .

  23. 在研究剩余油分布规律的基础上,研究了合理井距、井排距等与渗透率的关系。

    Based on the study of remaining oil distribution , this paper studied the relationships among reasonable well spaces , well patterns and permeability .

  24. 平面布药结构存在一个有利于抛掷堆积的最佳间、排距。

    It is believed that there is an optimal row spacing and column spacing in the plane charge layout which is beneficial to thrown pilling .

  25. 研究了矩形井网在不同井距和排距条件下裂缝长度和导流能力变化对压裂井产能等开发指标的影响。

    Moreover this paper study the development effects considering the change of ratio of fracture length to distance between wells and fracture conductivity under different well pattern .

  26. 根据天然裂缝较发育时的特低渗透砂岩油藏的渗流特性,研究并推导出计算极限井距和排距的关系式。

    On the basis of the seepage characteristics of developed naturally fracturing ultra-low permeability reservoir , the relationship between critical spacing and row spacing is studied and derived . 4 .

  27. 认清裂缝方向,采取合理的注采井网和井距排距是提高裂缝性低渗透油藏波及效率和开发效果的关键。空间上,投影算子的代数等价、相似和同伦是一致的。

    Clear understanding of fracture azimuth and the appropriate well patterns and / or well spaces are the key to enhance the conformance or development efficiency of fractured low-permeability reservoirs .

  28. 通过对灌浆资料成果分析,对布孔形式、孔排距、灌浆压力等施工参数和施工工艺提出了建议。

    Analyzing the result data of the grouting tests , the writer raises some recommendations about construction process and parameters such as hole arrangement , hole row gap and grouting pressure .

  29. 本文通过现场小型模拟试验,对平面药包的爆破漏斗大小与深度、抛掷堆积规律以及合适的药包间、排距进行了系统研究与分析。

    By small-scale simulating tests in a field , the size and depth of blasting cone from plane charges , the thrown piling and reasonable spacing and inter-row distances of charges were systemically studied .

  30. 研究表明:当排距s<4d(d为桩直径)时,门架空间效应差;

    The study shows that the space effect of a portal frame will be poor if the distance between two rows , s < 4d ( d is the diameter of the pile ) .