
  • 网络Emission Trading
  1. 在这一章中还对中国建立碳排放交易市场进行了SWOT分析。

    In this chapter , the paper makes SWOT analysis on establishing carbon emission trading market in China .

  2. 欧盟排放交易机制及其对中国的启示

    The European Union Emission Trading Scheme and Its Enlightenments to China

  3. 建设全国性碳排放交易中心发展CDM项目

    Construction of a National-Wide Carbon Market to Develop CDM Projects

  4. 而欧盟(EU)将航空业纳入其排放交易计划的决定,却偏偏催生了一个由对手结成的联盟。

    But the decision by the European Union to extend to the aviation industry its emissions trading scheme has brought about an alliance of rivals .

  5. 欧盟(EU)拥有全球最发达的碳排放权交易市场,但随着美国、日本和澳大利亚纷纷出现碳排放交易系统,一个全球范围的非正式碳排放交易市场可能正在形成。

    The European Union has the most advanced carbon emissions trading market but a global informal carbon emissions market may be developing with schemes in the US , Japan and Australia .

  6. 可以考虑提出一套碳税体系或一套限额交易体系,例如欧洲的排放交易方案(ETS),该方案对生产商的碳排量作出了限制,并允许他们买卖排放信用(emissionscredits)。

    That could be a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system , such as Europe 's Emissions-Trading Scheme , which limits how much producers can emit , and lets them buy and sell emissions credits .

  7. 为了推动达到京都议定书温室气体降低的标志,欧盟排放交易体系(EUETS)于2005年1月发起。

    The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme ( EU ETS ) was created on January 1st , 2005 by the European Union to foster early compliance with the greenhouse gases emissions reduction targets agreed in the Kyoto Protocol .

  8. 联合国开发计划署驻华代表KhalidMalik说,碳排放交易代表着中国有一个“重大的机遇”来走上一条更加可持续发展的道路。

    Khalid Malik , UNDP resident representative in China , said carbon trading presented China with a'major opportunity'to forge a more sustainable development path .

  9. 《金融时报》报道,Malik希望北京的碳排放交易中心将交易那些与联合国千年发展目标相关的碳排放额。

    According to the Financial Times , Malik hoped the Beijing exchange would trade in special carbon credits tied to the Millennium Development Goals ( MDG ) .

  10. 我们强烈支持使用市场化的解决方案,来推行环境政策并达到环保目标,摩根士丹利全球能源与碳排放交易主管西蒙•格林希尔茨(SimonGreenshields)表示。

    We strongly support the use of market-based solutions to meet environmental policies and objectives , said Simon Greenshields , global head of power and carbon emissions trading at Morgan Stanley .

  11. 欧盟国家温室气体排放交易权对我国的启示

    EU glasshouse gas emission trading rights , present situation and enlightenment

  12. 碳排放交易行业人士表示,他们对这个投票结果深感失望。

    Carbon industry figures said they were deeply disappointed by the result .

  13. 欧盟的排放交易计划有不少可取之处。

    There are many good things about the EU scheme .

  14. 要想对付市场失利,一个基于价格的可行办法是总量限制与排放交易。

    An alternative price-based approach to market failure is cap-and-trade .

  15. 由此,全球范围内的碳排放交易市场逐步发展。

    As a result , worldwide carbon emissions trading market is gradually developing .

  16. 可再生能源和碳排放交易之间存在巨大的差异。

    There is a world of difference between renewable energy and carbon trading .

  17. 本章还分析了全球温室气体排放交易体系的发展现状和未来融合的趋势。

    The merging trend of different GHG emissions trading systems is also emphasized .

  18. 碳排放交易基金计划为项目提供预先资金

    APCF is to provide funds for projects in advance

  19. 第五章说明了欧盟排放交易机制的成就、不足和质疑。

    The fifth chapter discusses the achievement , shortcoming and doubt of EU ETS .

  20. 排放交易权是京都议定书中弹性机制之一,它允许通过排放权的买卖,以最小的成本来达到减排目标。

    Emission trading rights is one of the flexibility schemes regulated in Kyoto Protocol .

  21. 所有这一切并不意味着碳排放交易正平稳地向前推进。

    All this activity does not mean the course of carbon trading is proceeding smoothly .

  22. 这种信用在国际碳排放交易市场上可售得5美元至15美元。

    Such credits can fetch $ 5 to $ 15 on the international carbon market .

  23. 为了解决这些问题,文章提出构建新的排放交易机制。

    To resolve these problems , the article proposes to establish new emissions trading mechanism .

  24. 排放交易计划向大型污染者发放许可证,允许它们排放一定量的二氧化碳。

    Emissions trading schemes give large polluters permits to emit a set amount of carbon dioxide .

  25. 本文首先对世界主要温室气体排放交易体系做了分析比较。

    This dissertation firstly analyses and compares main greenhouse gas emission trading systems in the world .

  26. 中国计划明年将7个基于城市的碳排放交易试点计划合并成一个全国计划。

    China plans to combine seven city-based carbon trading pilots into a national scheme next year .

  27. 湖北省环境资源交易所可以作为湖北省碳排放交易的交易平台。

    We can consider Hubei Environmental Resource Exchange as the trading platform of the carbon emissions trading .

  28. 湖北省碳排放交易机制采用总量控制、排放交易的机制来运行。

    Hubei province will build a carbon emissions trading mechanism that works based on cap and trading .

  29. 在他撤回本国排放交易计划的提案后,他的民意支持度掉到了谷底。

    When he withdrew a bill to introduce a domestic emissions trading scheme , his ratings collapsed .

  30. 中国还在进行排放交易系统的试点,有望到2020年建立全国性的碳市场。

    It is also piloting emissions trading systems that could lead to a national carbon market by 2020 .