
  • 网络Carbon Sequestration;Sequestering carbon
  1. 上述最后一种技术(碳封存)至关重要。

    This last technology , carbon sequestration , is of paramount importance .

  2. 我开始在想,说不定最佳的方法就是碳封存。

    I 've started to think that carbon sequestration might be the best answer .

  3. 从生物多样性到碳封存

    From biological diversity to carbon sequestration

  4. 粮农组织认为,特别是杨树与麦间作系统是农场增加碳封存的最佳土地利用方式。

    And the combination of poplar and wheat in particular is a good land-use option for increased carbon sequestration in farms , according to FAO .

  5. 碳封存网络规模浩大,倘若进入全面实施阶段,耗资巨大,必将成为处于国家战略高度的重大建设课题。

    Carbon sequestration network has great scale . If it entered into the implementation stage , it will become strategically important as a national issue .

  6. 考虑到全球热带森林覆盖面积之广,加上有大量的碳封存于土壤中,土壤可能成为全球碳收支平衡的一个主要排放途径。

    Given the vast land surface area covered by tropical forests and the large amount of carbon stored in the soil , this could affect the global carbon balance .

  7. 这项新计划将包括承诺增加可再生能源和生物燃料的用量,同时通过碳封存等方法控制甲烷气体排放。

    The new plan is to contain promises to increase use of renewable energy and biofuels , as well as measures to capture methane gas emissions via methods such as carbon sequestration .

  8. 美国一半的电力来自燃煤电厂,中国的比例为四分之三。这不可避免地意味着,在中美有关能源的任何双边议程中,洁净煤和碳封存议题占据高位。

    Half of America 's electricity is generated from coal , and three-quarters of China 's. This inevitably means that clean coal and carbon sequestration loom large on any bilateral energy agenda .

  9. 相反,双方将强调在开发突破技术方面的合作潜力,特别是在碳封存技术领域,因为双方国内都依赖燃煤发电。

    Instead , both sides will stress the potential for co-operation on producing breakthrough technologies , particularly in the area of carbon sequestration given that both rely on coal for internal power generation .

  10. 随着大气中的二氧化碳浓度持续上升,令地球升温,研究人员热衷于探讨所谓的“碳捕捉与封存”(CCS)解决方案。

    With carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere marching ever upwards and warming the planet , researchers are keen to investigate so called " carbon capture and storage " ( CCS ) solutions .

  11. 中国和欧盟已经启动了一个碳捕捉和封存(CCS)联合项目的第二阶段,证实了它们的继续合作的愿望。

    China and the European Union ( EU ) have launched the second phase of a joint project on carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) in China , confirming their desire to continue the collaboration .

  12. 简而言之,今后半个世纪左右全球必须接近完全摆脱化石燃料,只能继续使用那些能应用碳捕获与封存技术(CCS)的安全的化石燃料。

    In short , the world will need to get almost entirely out of the fossil fuel business in the next half century or so , except for what can be continued safely with the use of carbon capture and storage ( CCS ) .

  13. 最后,加强碳捕获和封存技术领域的研发力度与国际合作等。

    Finally , enhance technology research and international cooperation of carbon capture and storage .

  14. 这项刺激计划将提供35亿美元用于开发碳捕获和封存技术。

    The stimulus plan provides $ 3.5 billion for developing carbon capture and sequestration technology .

  15. 美国正在中国推行试点项目,包括碳捕获和封存。

    The US is promoting pilot projects in China , including carbon capture and storage .

  16. 大举增加可再生能源、核能以及碳捕捉和封存技术领域的研发投资;

    Much increased investment in research and development in renewables , nuclear power and carbon capture and storage ;

  17. 文章对欧盟特别是德国在碳捕获与封存技术的研发进展、政策机制和管理立法等方面的做法和案例进行了调研,并对其面临的主要问题及未来发展进行了展望。

    This paper reveals the study of latest R & D achievements , policy mechanisms and management legislations of CCS , and its main problems and future development prospect in Germany and EU .

  18. 在任何控制温室气体排放的可信方案中,都必须用天然气代替其他燃料,尽管低成本碳捕获及封存技术的发展也能增强利用煤炭的理由。

    In any plausible scenario for managing emissions of greenhouse gases , natural gas will have to substitute for other fuels , though development of cheap carbon capture and storage would also strengthen the case for coal .

  19. 在引入碳捕捉与封存技术条件尚不成熟的情况下,为了满足国家对节能环保和温室气体减排的要求,电力行业正在积极开发和利用可再生能源。

    The power industry is under active development and utilization of renewable energy in order to meet the nation energy-saving and environmental protection and greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements , as the condition that introducing the carbon capture and the carbon storage technology are not ripe .

  20. 碳捕集与封存技术(CarbonCaptureandStorage)是一项新兴的、具有大规模减排潜力的技术,有望实现二氧化碳接近零排放。

    Carbon capture and storage technology ( the Carbon Capture and Storage ) is an emerging technology with large-scale emission reduction potential and is expected to achieve near-zero emissions of carbon dioxide .

  21. 气候变化;碳捕集与封存(CCS);零排放电站;绿色煤电;厂址选择。

    Climate Change , Carbon Capture and Storage ( CCS ), Near-zero-emission power plant , GreenGen , Site Selection .

  22. 近年来提出的碳捕集利用封存和碳捕集再利用封存是更为积极的CO2减排应对策略。

    Carbon Capture Use and Storage ( CCUS ) and Carbon Capture Reuse and Storage ( CCRS ), as the two concepts emerged recently , may be viewed as more active policy responding to CO2 emission reduction .

  23. 艾伯塔省青睐的减排方式是碳的捕获与封存,将投资20亿加元用于这项技术。

    Alberta is investing C $ 2 billion in carbon capture and sequestration , its favoured way of cleaning up emissions .

  24. 在无国家补贴政策情况下,碳捕集和封存会使电煤供应链成本脱钩弹性和收入脱钩弹性均处于衰退脱钩状态。

    Without the subsidies from the nation , the cost of CCS will make the cost elasticity and revenue elasticity in a recessive decoupling .

  25. 具体来说,中国和美国承诺在建筑节能、清洁能源汽车碳捕捉及碳封存、智能城市等领域展开研发合作。

    Specifically , China and the US committed to joint R & D in building efficiency , clean vehicles CCS , smart cities , and other areas .

  26. 第四,通过人工造林等方法增强碳吸收汇,保护碳封存。

    Fourth , enhance carbon sinks , protect carbon sequestration by afforestation and other methods .

  27. 十壤在全球碳循环中起着重要作用,并且对碳封存或释放到大气中具有巨大潜在力。

    Soils play a major role in the global carbon cycle and have a huge potential for either sequestering or releasing carbon ( C ) to the atmosphere .

  28. 为了减少温室气体的排放量,发展低碳经济,不仅要发展碳减排技术,还需要依靠碳捕获和碳封存技术。

    In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop low-carbon economy , it is necessary not only to develop carbon emission reduction technology , but also need to rely on carbon capture and sequestration technologies .

  29. 全面转向低碳和零碳电力技术(特别是风力、太阳能、地热、水力、核能以及碳捕获与封存技术);

    a pervasive shift to low-carbon and zero-carbon electricity ( notably wind , solar , geothermal , hydro , nuclear , and CCS ) ;