
  • 网络soot;Carbon Black
  1. 等离子体在同时去除NOx和碳烟催化反应中的作用

    The Effects of Plasma on Simultaneously Catalytic Removal of NO_x and Soot

  2. 等离子体辅助同时催化去除柴油机NOx和碳烟的试验研究

    Experimental study of plasma assisted catalysis simultaneous removal of no_x and soot

  3. 直喷式柴油机NOx和碳烟的预测

    Prediction of a DI Diesel Engine No_x and Smoke Emission

  4. 含钼氧化物对碳烟和NOx的催化去除特性

    The Catalytic Removal of Diesel Soot and NO_x on Molybdenum Trioxide-Based Composites

  5. 柴油机同时降低碳烟与NOx的一种方法

    A method of simultaneous reduction of smoke and NO_x in a diesel engine

  6. 降低直喷发动机NOx和碳烟排放的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Reducing the NO_x and Black Carbon Emissions from DI Engines

  7. 基于BP神经网络的电控LPG-柴油双燃料内燃机碳烟排放的预测

    Emissions Prediction for Electronically Controlled LPG-diesel Engine Based on Back Propagation Neural Network

  8. Cr基碳烟氧化催化剂的制备和催化性能研究

    The Preparation and Studies of Cr-Based Catalysts for Soot Oxidation

  9. 无声放电场中OH自由基发生及其氧化碳烟的动力学模拟

    Generation of OH Radicals in Silent Discharge and Kinetic Simulation of Its Oxidation on Soot Particles

  10. K和Cu部分取代对LaMnO3钙钛矿型催化剂同时去除NOx和碳烟的影响

    Effect of Partial Substitution of K and Cu in LaMnO_3 on Simultaneously Catalytic Removal of NO_x and Soot

  11. Pt取代的LaCoO3催化氧化碳烟的研究

    Research on catalytic oxidation of soot over Pt-substituted LaCoO_3

  12. 柴油机主要的有害排放物为NOx和碳烟,通过机内净化很难大幅度同时降低它们的排放。

    The main pollutants from diesel engines are NOx and soot .

  13. 净化柴油机碳烟微粒和NOx的技术措施

    Technical Measures Purifying Carbon Particles and NOx of Diesel Engines

  14. 煅烧温度对钙钛矿复合金属氧化物的结构及其同时催化去除NOx和碳烟的影响

    Effect of calcination temperature on the structure and catalytic properties of perovskite mixed-oxide for simultaneous removal of NO _x and soot

  15. 原理样机相比原柴油机可同时降低NOx和碳烟排放。

    NOx and PM emissions can be reduced compared with the original diesel engine .

  16. 用柴油/醇组合燃烧法在城市车用柴油机上实现同时降低碳烟与NOx排放的研究

    Study on the simultaneous reductions of PM and NO_x by using diesel / alcohol compound combustion mode in diesel engines for city bus

  17. 进气预混乙醇降低柴油机碳烟与NOx排放的试验研究

    Reduction of Soot and NOx Emissions from Diesel Engine by Premixing Ethanol in Intake Manifold

  18. 降低柴油机暖车阶段有害物HC、碳烟排放的试验研究

    Car World Study on Reducing Blue Smoke Emissions from Diesel Engine During Warm-up

  19. 针对发动机机燃用LPG(液化石油气)和柴油混合燃料的碳烟排放问题进行了研究。

    The paper studies the soot smoke emission of dual-fue le d engine burning LPG / diesel .

  20. 采用含氧燃料和EGR同时降低直喷式柴油机碳烟和NOx排放的试验研究

    Simultaneous Reductions of Smoke and NO_x Emission from Light Duty DI Diesel Engine with Oxygenate Fuel and EGR

  21. 直喷式柴油机的火焰浮起长度(FlameLift-OffLength)被认为是影响碳烟生成的一个重要参数。

    The flame lift-off length in DI engines is known as one of the key parameters to influence Soot formation .

  22. 重点分析了乙醇地加入对微粒中干碳烟(DS)和可溶有机组分(SOF)的影响。

    The emphasis focuses on the effect on DS and SOF .

  23. 联合应用柴油-含氧化合物混合燃料和推迟供油,可以实现碳烟和NOx的同时下降。

    Combination by postponing fuel injection timing and using diesel-oxygenate blends can reduce smoke and NOx simultaneously .

  24. 研究了可控活化热氛围协流中CO2体积分数对中央喷射液体燃料起升火焰的自燃及碳烟排放特性的影响。

    The effect of CO2 concentration in the co-flow on the auto-ignition characteristics and soot emission of central jets flames were investigated .

  25. 研究了喷雾锥角对燃烧过程的影响规律以及喷雾锥角对碳烟和NOx生成的影响。

    The influence of spray angle on the combustion process and formation of soot and NOx was investigated .

  26. 进而从燃烧理论上解释了采用组合燃烧可以同时降低碳烟和NOx排放的原因。

    The findings provide theoretical explanation to why the compound combustion can decrease the PM and NO_x emissions simultaneously .

  27. 通过柴油机台架试验对低温等离子体处理柴油机排气中的碳烟和NOx进行了研究。

    The experiment was conducted in diesel to study the effect of non-thermal plasma treating carbon soot and NO_x .

  28. 匀质充量压缩燃烧方式的燃油经济性较高、NOx和碳烟的排放较低。

    The homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion process offers good fuel economy and very low nitrogen-oxide and particulate emissions .

  29. 但是柴油车尾气排放的碳烟颗粒物(PM)和氮氧化合物(NOx)浓度高,尤其是PM的排放。

    However , diesel vehicles exhaust too much amount of soot particles and nitrogen oxides ( NOX ), especially about soot .

  30. 许多学者尝试探索柴油机新的燃烧放式来达到同时降低NOx和碳烟的目的。

    Many scholars have tried to explore the new diesel combustion model to both decrease emissions of NOx and soot .