
chāo lèi
  • superclass
  1. 应该在这个超类的service()方法中创建范围键并实现通知逻辑。

    Implement the creation of a scope key and the notification logic in the service () method of this superclass .

  2. 注意,因为两个提取方法都使用number成员变量,所以要涉及到超类。

    Notice that because both of the extracted methods use the number member variable , it is dragged into the superclass .

  3. 在这个案例中,是通过引进一个维护观测者清单的超类(Subject)来实现的。

    In this case , this is achieved by introducing a superclass ( Subject ) that maintains a list of observers .

  4. 从超类复选框中选择Constructors并点击Finish。

    Select the Constructors from superclass check box and click Finish .

  5. 然后,就可以从这个超类派生所有应用程序servlet。

    Then you can extend all application servlets from this superclass .

  6. 在@implementation关键字后面,我们看到了类名(Employee)及其超类。

    After the @ implementation keyword , we see the name of the class ( Employee ) and its superclass .

  7. 无论何时您要在您的项目中创建或者记录一个脚本,您都可以详细指定RationalFunctionalTester将使用的帮助器超类。

    You can specify a helper superclass that Rational Functional Tester will use whenever you create or record a script in your project .

  8. 在面向对象版本中,我提取了复制的方法,将其连同protected字段移到一个超类中。

    In the object-oriented version , I extracted duplicated methods , moving them to a superclass along with a protected field .

  9. UML一般化/特殊化符号用于在一个超类和它的子类之间建立关系。

    The UML generalization / specialization notation is used to establish the relationship between a super class and its subclasses .

  10. 构造器方法会使用MySQL域包来初始化它的超类。

    The constructor method initializes its super class with the MySQL domain package .

  11. 因为已存在的msword种类管理器很好地满足了您的需求,所以您可以把它当作您的新元素种类的超类。

    Because the existing ms_word type manager perfectly fits your needs , you can use it as the super type for your new element types .

  12. Eclipse将使用其新方法自动编写超类,然后更改兄弟类,使之使用新的超类。

    Eclipse writes the superclass automagically with its new methods and alters the sibling classes to use the new superclass .

  13. 我们的第三个,也是最后一个策略可能是三个策略当中最有想象力的:每个具体类一个表,抽象超类Estate没有表。

    Our third and last strategy is probably the most imaginative of all : having one table per concrete class and none for the Estate abstract superclass .

  14. 超类化是MFC中经常用到的一种技术。

    Superclass technique is often used in MFC .

  15. 本文探讨了超类化技术在MFC中的具体实现方法及其实际意义。

    This paper discussed the methods of realizing the technique in MFC and its practical significance .

  16. 按照下面的方法,来创建一个帮助者超类(helpersuperclass),帮助更改一个对象的属性权重

    To create a helper superclass that changes the property weight of an object

  17. 本文讨论了两个潜在的区域,该区域为RationalPerformanceTester提供了强大的扩展点:通过一个超类来进行对象扩展,以及通过静态的方法来使用可再用设施。

    This article discusses two potential areas that can provide powerful extension points for Rational Performance Tester : object extension via a super class , and reusable utilities via static methods .

  18. Kent讨论了如何为超类起一个好名字。

    Kent discusses how to come up with a good name for a superclass .

  19. 例如,如果您想要看到所选元素的超类层次,那么选择Outgoing。

    For example , if you wish to see the super class hierarchy of the selected element , select Outgoing .

  20. E-R模型特殊超类/子类结构转换方法研究

    Research on translation method of Special Superclass / Subclass Structure in E-R Model

  21. 这可以是Web服务、系统组件体系结构(SystemComponentArchitecture,SCA)服务或后者的特例&作为SCA服务公开的超类。

    That might be a Web service , a System Component Architecture ( SCA ) service , or as special case of the latter , a subprocess that is exposed as an SCA service .

  22. 通过将这个执行置于助手的上标,您可以为任何能够扩展这个帮助器超类(此后会有更多)的RationalFunctionalTester脚本的事件进行操纵。

    By putting the implementation in a helper superscript , you can handle the event for any Rational Functional Tester script that extends this helper superclass ( more on that here later ) .

  23. 动作类负责使用超类中的XMLBindingService以XML形式生成输出。

    The action class is responsible to generate the output as XML using the XMLBindingService available in the superclass .

  24. 为了调用超类的构造函数,您必须在super变量中保留超类的一个实例(名称可能有所不同),随后显式调用构造函数。

    To call the constructor of the superclass , you must keep an instance of the superclass in the __super__ variable ( the name could be anything ), and then explicitly call the constructor function .

  25. 您可以使用公共的getter和setter对bean进行定制以包含超类、公共或受保护字段,或修改默认的Java类型映射。

    You can customize the bean to have super classes , public or protected fields with public getters and setters , or change the default Java type mapping .

  26. 在Java代码中,如果要调用被覆盖的方法,就必须在超类上调用该方法(即super().methodName(arg1,arg1);)

    In Java code , to invoke the overridden method you call the method on super ( that is , super () .

  27. 空的finalizer(它抵消超类finalizer的作用)。

    An empty finalizer ( which negates the effect of the superclass finalizer )

  28. 可以调用超类中的invoke()方法同时检查这两者(before和after),并根据查找结果发送before和after通知。

    I can check both ( before and after ) by calling the invoke () method in the superclass and sending before and after notifications , depending on what I find .

  29. 这个超类是pureQuery运行时的一部分,负责处理访问数据库和处理结果的固定的、重复的操作。

    This superclass is part of the pureQuery runtime and handles the rote , repeated operations required to access a database and process results .

  30. getString():它重写了超类的getString()方法,打印出嵌套的异常信息。

    GetString (): This overrides the superclass 's getString () to print out embedded exception information .