
  • 网络superfoods
  1. 在你点击离开之前,不,我不会给你展示十种超级食品来治愈你的抑郁症!

    And before you click away , no , I 'm not about to show you 10 superfoods to cure your depression !

  2. 众所周知的“超级食品”,菠菜的营养十分丰富。

    Known as a " super food ," spinach is nutrient-rich .

  3. 结婚那会儿,我正在西南超级食品公司做库管。

    When we married , I worked as a stock clerk at Southwest Super Food .

  4. 长期以来燕麦被认为是一种超级食品,可预防糖尿病和心脏疾病等疾病。

    Oats have long been considered a super-food , staving off illnesses like diabetes and heart disease .

  5. 有些人甚至呼吁这些营养食品为“超级食品”。

    Some have even gone so far as to call these nutritional powerhouses " super foods " .

  6. 芋头被冠以超级食品的头衔,但在吃之前一定要将这类淀粉根茎类的蔬菜彻底煮熟。

    Taro gets some solid superfood cred , but make sure to fully cook this starchy root vegetable before eating .

  7. 如果是这样的话,恐怕科学家们得找一个比超级食品更合适的词语来形容西红柿了。

    At this rate , scientists will have to come up with a better description for the tomato than mere ' superfood ' .

  8. 婴儿的超级食品这份报告建议每个国家应该确保最低产假为至少14周。

    The report , Super Food for Babies , recommends that every country should ensure minimum maternity leave of at least 14 weeks .

  9. 对我们来说最让人吃惊的是对藜麦的反应,这种“超级食品”谷物如此频繁地被赞扬为有益健康的,以致它变成了讽刺的对象。

    Most surprising to us was the reaction to quinoa , a " superfood " grain so often praised as healthful that it has become the subject of satire .

  10. 最值得注意的是,为该研究提供资金的是一家生产石榴汁的公司。目前没有任何科学研究可以证明超级食品比普通食品更有益处。

    The term is not in common currency amongst dieticians and nutritional scientists , many of whom dispute the claims made that consuming particular foodstuffs can have a health benefit .

  11. 虽然人们通常都会认为牛油果是超级食品,但牛油果脂肪含量很高,人体小肠在消化时需要更长的时间,因此应该在瑜伽练习后吃牛油果。

    While avocados are normally considered a superfood , their high fat content does take longer for your gut to process , and therefore they are best served apr è s yoga .

  12. 这一市场迅速增长,但其走向与能量棒的超级运动型食品定位几乎没有相关性。

    The market was growing fast , but in directions that had little relevance for PowerBar 's ultra-athletic positioning .

  13. 论述了食品分子加工技术的生物学原理,简要地介绍了营养、特色、保健和超级四类食品的分子加工技术的原理和方法。

    It described the biological principles of food molecule processing techniques and briefly introduced the application of the techniques to variant foods .