
  • 网络SuperMemo UX;super memory
  1. 这本书的作者是记者乔舒亚·福尔(JoshuaFoer),他参加过一次美国记忆力锦标赛,书中描述了他所认为的“超级记忆专家”。

    The book was written byJoshua Foer , a journalist who attended a US memory championship to write about what he thought would be " the Super Bowl of savants . "

  2. 2006年,他读到了一篇科关于学家称为拥有超级记忆名叫A。

    Then in2006 , he read an article about a superior-memory woman whom scientists called AJ .

  3. 终极英语训练内容与超级记忆软件的功能配合使用是学习单词和短语的一种有效的方法。

    The Extreme English ! training content , coupled with the functionality of SuperMemo software , is a perfect way to learn English words and phrases effectively .

  4. 这种“超级自传体记忆”(简称HSAM)首次进入公众视野是在21世纪初。

    " Highly superior autobiographical memory " ( or HSAM for short ) first came to light in the early 2000s , with a young woman named Jill Price .

  5. 但是,不是每一个有幻想倾向的人都能发展出“超级自传体记忆”,所以帕特西斯认为一定存在某些东西触发他们不停回忆过去。

    Not everyone with a tendency to fantasise will develop HSAM , though , so Patihis suggests that something must have caused them to think so much about their past .