
  • 网络SCWO;Supercritical Water Oxidation
  1. 超临界水氧化技术对有机污染物有着很好的去除效果,在实验条件下,高浓度有机污染物的COD去除可以达到99%以上。

    Supercritical Water Oxidation can achieve great effects on organic decomposition . On experimental conditions , the COD elimination effects of the high concentration organic can exceed 99 % .

  2. 在间歇式实验装置上对超临界水氧化技术处理含油污水进行了研究,主要考察了COD的脱除率与反应时间、温度和压力的关系。

    Oil-bearing sewage treated by supercritical water oxidation technique is studied in intermittent experiment equipment . The relation among dislodgement ratio of COD , time , temperature and pressure is studied .

  3. 根据催化超临界水氧化技术的原理,从均相催化氧化和非均相催化氧化两个方面,研究了进水pH值和活性炭对超临界水降解有机物的影响。

    The homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyzed oxidation of organic pollutants in SCW were studied under the different pH and with activated carbon as catalyst .

  4. 为了开发超临界水氧化技术和超临界水电力技术,研究了五种不锈钢和一种镍基合金在192、292和392°C高温高压水中的耐腐蚀性。

    Five types of stainless steels and one type of nickel base alloy were tested for corrosion resistance in high temperature high pressure water at 192 , 292 , and 392 ° C.

  5. 超临界水氧化技术在环境保护中的应用与展望

    Application and Prospect of Supercritical Water Oxidation Technology in Environmental Protection

  6. 超临界水氧化技术及其环境中材料的腐蚀研究现状

    Progress in study on supercritical water oxidation technology and relevant materials corrosion

  7. 超临界水氧化技术与开发污染物资源的研究

    Study on supercritical water oxidation with pollutant resources exploitation

  8. 这些特殊的物理化学性质使得超临界水氧化技术成为具有巨大发展潜力和广阔应用前景的新技术。

    These special physical and chemical phenomena make it a highly effective technology .

  9. 超临界水氧化技术在污水处理中的应用

    Application of Supercritical Water Oxidation Technology on Sewage Treatment

  10. 超临界水氧化技术;有机废液;经济成本;

    Supercritical water oxidation ; Organic waste ; Economic costs ; Wastewater treatment ;

  11. 城市污泥超临界水氧化技术示范装置及其经济性分析

    A demonstration plant for treating sewage sludge by supercritical water oxidation and its economic analysis

  12. 超临界水氧化技术是以超临界水为反应介质,彻底破坏有机物质的新型氧化技术。

    Supercritical water oxidation is a new technology that takes supercritical water as reaction medium and thoroughly destroys organic matter .

  13. 对利用超临界水氧化技术开发污染物资源,促进循环经济发展进行了探讨。

    The calorific value of SCWO reaction process is analysed , and it pointed out that resource of pollutant and circular economy development .

  14. 二口恶英治理的热技术包括高温过燃烧技术、红外脱毒技术、等离子体高温分解技术、熔盐脱毒技术、超临界水氧化技术、原位玻璃化技术等;

    The thermal technologies included high temperature over-burning , infrared destruction , plasma arc pyrolysis , molten salt destruction , supercritical water oxidation , in situ vitrification , and etc.

  15. 分别阐述了化学氧化技术、电化学氧化技术、湿式氧化法、超临界水氧化技术等主要高级氧化技术的基本原理、研究进展及应用前景;

    The basic principle , research progress and applicable prospect of the main high grade oxidation technologies , such as , chemical oxidation technology , electro-chemical oxidation technology , wet oxidation technology and supercritical water oxidation technology etc were separately described ;

  16. 超临界水氧化处理技术处理焦化废水的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on Coking Wastewater Treatment by Using Supercritical Water oxidation technology

  17. 采用超临界水氧化(SCWO)技术在连续蒸发壁式反应器内处理高浓度丙烯酸废水。

    Wastewater containing acrylic acid was treated by supercritical water oxidation ( SCWO ) technology in a continuous transpiring wall reactor .

  18. 催化超临界水氧化法是一种在常规的超临界水氧化技术的基础上发展起来的有机废水处理技术。

    Catalytic supercritical water oxidation ( CSCWO ) which bases on SCWO is a promising technique for the treatment of organic wastes .

  19. 为探索超临界水氧化法处理受控生态生命保障系统的废水和废物,研究了超临界水氧化技术去除尿液中有机物的可能性。

    Application of Supercritical Water Oxidation ( SCWO ) to processing of human metabolic wastes of Controlled Ecological Life Support System was studied for organic substance elimination in urine and recover potable water .

  20. 分析了超临界流体的特性,介绍了国内外超临界流体降解废弃塑料的工艺和进展,以及超临界水氧化技术(SCWO)在废水和污泥处理中的广泛应用。

    The character of supercritical fluids is analyzed . The technology of degradation of waste plastic using supercritical fluids all over the world is introduced , and the application of supercritical water oxidation in waste water treatment and sludge treatment is described too .