
  • 网络Stirred Cells;ultrafiltration;Millipore
  1. 采用中性聚砜中空纤维管式超滤装置,对丝厂废水中的煮茧水在不同pH值条件下的超滤进行了研究,结果表明,该超滤膜对丝厂废水超滤的最佳条件是碱性范围。

    Neutral polysulfone hollow fiber ultrafiltration used to treat the cocoon boiling wastewater in silk reeling factories has been studies . The result shows that the optimum condition of the ultrafiltration membrane is alkaline .

  2. 卷式超滤装置的水洗再生行为的实验研究

    Spiral wound ultrafiltration unit regeneration with hydraulic washing methods

  3. 报道了MTC自控型阴极电泳漆超滤装置的性能指标及其综合性能。

    It has been reported in this article the performance and technical specification of MTC autocontrol CED ultrafilter .

  4. 发电厂水处理超滤装置原理及分析

    Principle and Analysis of Water Treatment Super-filter of Power Plant

  5. 超滤装置必须定期进行反冲洗。

    Ultrafiltration installation must be anti-eroded at regular intervals .

  6. 超滤装置运行不正常的分析和处理

    Analysis and treatment of ultrafiltration device abnormal operation

  7. 超滤膜与超滤装置的研制和发展

    Research & Development of Ultrafiltration Techniques at SINR

  8. 超滤装置在生物制品中的应用

    The Application of Ultrafiltration Equipments in Biological products

  9. 反渗透,超滤装置的流体动力学研究

    Study of Hydrodynamics of Reverse Osmosis Ultrafiltration Plant

  10. 超滤装置使灌注师能更主动地控制体外循环中的液体平衡。

    With ultrafiltration perfusionist could control fluid balance in the course of cardiopulmonary bypass more actively .

  11. 采用管式超滤装置,选用切割分子量为20000的聚丙烯腈膜,对乳清进行了超滤浓缩试验。

    Acid whey was concentrated by polyacrylonitrile tubular ultrafiltration membranes with molecular weight cut off of 20 000 daltons .

  12. 采用三种孔径的氧化铝膜和自制的加压微滤装置、外购中空纤维超滤装置以及果胶酶进行澄清实验。

    The experiments were carried out in a home-made microfiltration device with hollow fiber membranes ultrafiltration device and pectinase treatment .

  13. 采用核桃壳过滤器-超滤装置组合工艺处理油田含油污水,可以实现含油污水的油、悬浮物和颗粒的去除。

    Walnut shell filter and ultrafiltration equipment were used to eliminate the suspended solid , suspended particles and oil in the oily wastewater .

  14. 针对含硅量较高的水源,提出一种新型的水处理方法,即采用超滤装置去除水中胶体硅。

    With an eye on water sources , rich in silicon content , a new method of water treatment is being proposed , which uses a super-filtering contraption for removing colloidal silicon .

  15. 研究了核桃壳过滤器、超滤装置的除油去浊性能以及超滤装置的水通量变化和膜的清洗方法。

    The performance of the walnut shell filter and ultrafiltration equipment to eliminate oil and turbidity was studied , changes of flux of ultrafiltration equipment and the method for cleaning the membrane were also investigated .

  16. 本文在研究了菜籽蛋白水溶液在中空纤维超滤装置中的超滤行为之后,研究了膜面透过液反冲对膜污染的控制作用。

    This paper reported the UF behavior of rapeseed protein solution in hollow-fibre UF system , and the effect of online backflushing by the water permeating on fouling of UF membrane for processing the rapeseed protein solution .

  17. 介绍了超滤装置工艺原理,论述了模组件截留分子量对油剂回收率的影响,循环比与滤液流量的关系,循环料液浓度与滤液浓度关系;操作压力、温度变化对滤液流量的影响。

    The method and priciple of super-filtration process , relation between cycle ratio and filter rate , the relation between concentration of cycle liquid and that of filtrate , the amount of filter affected by the operation pressure and the change of temperature are discussed .

  18. 考察比较了三氯化铁、聚合氯化铝以及聚合硅铁三种不同混凝剂混凝的效果以及对超滤净水装置运行的影响,通过调整控制装置运行条件、优化装置操作参数来实现净水装置稳定高效运行;

    It compares the coagulation efficiency of Ferric Chloride , Poly-Aluminum Chloride and Poly Silicon Iron and their effects on the filtration process .

  19. 1960年以后,由于新材料、新工艺的发展,促使超滤技术产生的突破性的进展,各种型式的的超滤装置也相继出现。

    After the year of1960 , development of new material , new process promoted breakthrough in ultrafiltration technology and various types of ultrafiltration plants emerged one after another .