
  1. 南京学生的超重现象较为严重;南通学生的肥胖率显著低于南京和徐州,且各个城市女生低于男生,南京和徐州尤为明显。

    Nanjing students are overweight is more serious ; Nantong student obesity rate was significantly lower than that of Nanjing and Xuzhou , and each city girls less than boys , especially Nanjing and Xuzhou . 4 .

  2. 普遍来说,学生觉得数学难学,并且数学学习负担超重的现象较为严重。

    Generally speaking , students feel that mathematics is difficult to learn , and the phenomenon of the mathematics study incidence excess is more serious .

  3. 不过在另一方面,有研究表明,吃早餐的人更倾向于保持均衡的饮食,同时也不容易出现体重超重的现象。

    On the other hand , as other studies have shown , people who eat breakfast do tend to have more balanced diets and are less likely to be overweight than people who skip their morning meal .

  4. 本实验用简单的装置和易懂的原理清晰明了地演示旋转过程中的超重与失重现象。

    In this paper , we introduced a equipment for demonstrating the phenomena of overweight and weightlessness .

  5. 对测量玻璃的折射率实验做了改进,对超重与失重现象给出了简易的演示方法。

    The method of measuring of glass refractive index is improved , and then a simple display on the phenomena of overweight and weightlessness is given .

  6. 目前,公路超载、超重车辆运输现象有所减少,但仍很普遍,本文从理论上综合分析了超载的问题现状与危害,提出了减少路面早期损坏的有效措施,供同行们参考。

    At present , the road overload , the overweight vehicle transportation phenomenon are reducing , but still common , this article theoretically generalized analysis overload question present situation and the harm , proposed the reduced road surface early time damage effective action , referred for the colleagues .

  7. 它的运动过程包含了许多物理学原理,在高速运行的过程中,失重、超重、离心等现象不断出现,其运行过程中的运动学和动力学性能直接决定了其安全性。

    The movement process of roller coaster contains a lot of physics principles . And phenomena such as weightlessness , overweight and centrifugal phenomenon constantly appear in the high-speed movement process .