
  • 网络moto
  1. 兼容TD标准将需要额外的芯片,而对于iPhone这种超薄手机,新增芯片设备将很困难。

    The inclusion of TD would require an additional chip , and that could be difficult to place in a device as slim as the iPhone .

  2. 自Motorola推出Razor系列超薄手机受到消费者追捧后,轻薄成为了手机时尚要素之一。

    One of fashion fact is super thin and light since Motorola launched the ultra-thin Razor series mobile telephone that the handful is pursued by the consumer .

  3. 同时,摩托罗拉手机业务也在他的带领下转亏为赢,大力推出超薄手机“锋锐”(RAZR),并一举成功。

    And he revived Motorola 's mobile-phone business by making a big bet on the ultra-thin RAZR ( pronounced " razor ") handset , which became a hit .

  4. 超薄手机键盘照明系统设计

    Design for Thin Profile Handsets Keyboard Designing

  5. 精通机海战术的三星凭借着众多款采用塑料外壳的超薄智能手机一飞冲天,这家公司要想发布不同价位、不同屏幕尺寸和硬件配置的FacebookHome手机简直小菜一碟。

    Samsung , which soared on the sheer , plastic backs of many , many different smartphone models , could release multiple Facebook home devices at different price points , with different screen sizes and hardware specifications , no sweat .

  6. 有五款镶有各种装饰物、不同设计样式的超薄翻盖式手机供你选择。装饰物包括黑色和白色蓝宝石水晶、黄金、钻石和珍珠母&手机价格从6500美金到13400美金不等。

    Choose from five different slim , flip design styles with varying embellishments , including black and white sapphire crystals , gold , diamonds and mother-of-pearl – they range from $ 6,500 to $ 13,400 .