
  • 网络BVR
  1. 基于改进AHP法的飞机超视距作战能力评估

    Over-the-horizon Air Combat Capability Evaluation of Fighter Plane based on Modified AHP

  2. 提高实船平台罗经方位安装精度是超视距作战系统的需要,为此提出用GPS标校平台罗经新方案。

    It is the requirement of over the horizon targeting to improve the installation accuracy of platform compass azimuth , so a new concept based on GPS is proposed .

  3. 导弹潜艇超视距作战能力评估指标体系

    Beyond Visual Range Operation Capability Index System of Missile-Submarine

  4. 空空作战武器装备超视距作战能力指标结构

    The Research on the Structure of Beyond Visual Range Air Combat Capability Index of Air-to-Air Weapon Systems

  5. 关键点在于:①超视距作战用战绩来反映交战结果和编队优势;②用遗传算法来进行基于战绩的优化。

    The first is that performance reflected engagement outcome and formation advantage , and the second is using genetic algorithm for performance-based optimization of blue team formation tactics .

  6. 仿真计算表明此信息系统能有效增加机群超视距作战的效能,但噪声和欺骗干扰会显著地影响它的效率。

    Simulation results show this information system can efficiently enhance a fighter group 's operation efficiency in beyond visual range engagement , but the enhancement is depressed by noise jam and deception jam greatly .

  7. 建立了机群联合战术信息系统在超视距作战中综合机群的传感器、导航和火力控制系统,组织对目标协同探测、辨识和火力控制的系统模型,以及它的效能评估模型。

    A system model and its efficiency analysis model are introduced with the fighter group 's joint tactical information system , which integrates the group 's sensors , navigation systems and fire control systems to achieve joint target recognition , discrimination and fire control .

  8. 基于ADC模型的天波超视距雷达作战效能评估

    Combat Efficiency Evaluation for Sky Wave over-the-horizon Radar Based on ADC Modeling

  9. 天波超视距雷达作战效能评估模型

    A model for evaluating sky wave over-the-horizon radar combat efficiency

  10. 舰舰导弹超视距攻击作战时序模型研究

    Studies on Operation Order Model for Ship to ship Missile Over the horizon Attack

  11. 结果表明运用该方法对天波超视距雷达进行作战效能评估是切实可行的。

    The result shows that the evaluation model of SWOTHR presented in this paper is doable .

  12. 机降场选择是超视距垂直登陆作战的关键工作之一。

    The choice of airborne landing point is one of the key works in over-the-horizon vertical landing action .

  13. 超视距多机协同作战,以成为现代空战的主要形式,对其进行研究的重要性日趋明显。

    The study on muti-fighters cooperative combat beyond visual range as the primary form of modern air combat is showing more important than ever .

  14. 讨论了利用拖曳线列阵声呐对水面舰艇进行单舰和多舰超视距定位的原理及方法,并提出了利用拖曳线列阵声呐超视距进行定位的作战使用原则。

    The paper describes the principle and method of the BVP ( beyond visual range ) location on the warship by the single and the multi shipboard towed linear array sonar , and sets forth some combat action principals of the BVR location by towed linear array sonar .

  15. 针对未来超视距空战条件下的多目标攻击排序和制导武器火力分配问题,提出了一种用以评估超视距空战作战效能的综合优势指数法;

    Aiming at the key problem in BVRAC ( Beyond Visual Range Air Combat ): scheduling of multi-targets attacking and fire allocations , a synthetical dominant index method is proposed to estimate the operational effectiveness .