
  • 网络Aircraft Flight Performance;aircraft performance
  1. 积冰对飞机飞行性能的影响

    Effect of ice accretion on aircraft flight performance

  2. 飞行实时仿真系统,不仅可以用于飞机飞行性能、操纵品质、飞行控制、制导导航等系统的研究,而且是构成飞行模拟器的必要基础。

    The real-time flight simulation system is not only used for the research of flight performance , manipulating characteristic , flight control , guide and navigation , but also to be the basis of the flight simulator .

  3. 相对于飞机的飞行性能而言,乘客们更加关心飞机的安全可靠性。

    The passengers concerned about more the safety of aircraft rather than its flight performance .

  4. 修理补片对飞机基本飞行性能的影响分析

    Inference of Repaired Patch of Aircraft on Basic Flight Performance Effect Analysis on Basic Flight Performance for a RLSS Aircraft

  5. 结冰对飞机的飞行性能影响极大,引起了航空界的广泛关注。

    Icing accretion is very harmful to aircraft flight , and draws much attention to the influence on aircraft flight performance .

  6. 为了对飞机的飞行性能和飞行控制、制导、导航等系统的研究,需要完整的飞行实时仿真系统。

    In order to research on flight function and flight control , guide , navigation system , a complete flight real-time simulation system is needed .

  7. 此系统的开发为研究飞机飞行状态与性能提供了比较直观方便的工具。

    The development of this system provide a convenient tool to research the flying condition and aircraft performance .

  8. 民用飞机飞行的安全性能与其襟翼系统的可靠性有着密切的关系,而近年来我国使用的民机的襟翼故障一直都在发生,2004年以来,襟翼系统故障导致的重要事件约40起。

    The safe performance of the civil airplanes has close relation with the reliability of the flap system . But in recent years , malfunctions of the flap happen unceasingly , and the several important events with malfunctions of the flap have occurred since 2004 .

  9. 操纵系统是飞行控制的核心组成部分,机械传动机构是现代中小型运输机的主操纵舵面的主要传动形式,其动力学性能良好与否直接影响着飞机的飞行以及安全性能。

    Driving mechanism is the key part of flight control system for air vehicle , which is the main transmission form of the primary control surface of modern medium and small-sized air-transport , and its dynamic behaviors directly affect the flight and safety performances .

  10. 从保持现役飞机战斗力出发,首次提出了飞机飞行性能可靠性概念,并将飞行性能可靠性分为严(狭义)飞行性能可靠性和宽(广义)飞行性能可靠性两类进行讨论研究。

    The reliability of flight performance ( RFP ) is firstly defined in order to keep the combat effectiveness of aircraft and it is devided into strict ( narrow sense ) RFP and wide ( generalized ) RFP and they are studied separately .

  11. 用能量状态概念简化飞机运动模型,应用最优控制理论进行飞机飞行性能的优化,使用遗传算法进行全局寻优,继而生成最优节油飞行轨迹,并通过Matlab程序进行仿真。

    The method of energy-state is used to simplify the dimension of the traditional point-mass motion model , and the theory of optimal control is used for the trajectory optimization . The global optimization has been achieved with a genetic algorithm program in Matlab .

  12. 航空发动机作为飞机最主要的部件,它的安全性与可靠性直接影响到飞机的飞行性能、经济性和机组人员生命安全。

    Aero-engine is the most important component of aircraft , so its security and reliability has close effect on the aircraft flight performance , economy and security of the crew .