
  • 网络freescale;Freescal;Freescale Semiconductor
  1. 飞思卡尔半导体公司的生产计划与控制体系基于ERP原理,采用了SAPR/3系统。

    The production planning and control system of Freescale based on ERP theory and applied for SAP R / 3 .

  2. 飞思卡尔是首家参与IBM技术联盟低功耗、高性能技术研发的技术开发合作伙伴。

    Freescale is the first technology development partner in the IBM technology alliance to participate in both low-power and high-performance technology research and development .

  3. 基于飞思卡尔芯片的汽车液压ABS系统及其仿真

    The development of an automobile hydraulic anti-lock braking system based on Freescale chips

  4. 飞思卡尔针对下一代应用感知网络的PowerQUICC~(TM)Ⅲ处理器架构

    Freescale PowerQUICC ~ ( TM )ⅲ Processor Architecture for Next-generation Application Awareness Networks

  5. 飞思卡尔HCS08/HCS12系列MCU编程调试器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Programmer and Debugger for Freescale HCS08 / HCS12 Family MCUs

  6. 为满足这一需求,飞思卡尔先后推出了系列电池充电器IC,它们具有业界极高的性能和精度,以及卓越的配置灵活性。

    For this , Freescale Semiconductor provides the series battery charger ICs with the highest performance , accuracy and prominent agility configuration in semiconductor environment .

  7. Orion是飞思卡尔天津厂的一款非常重要的产品,每月都有大量的客户订单。

    Orion is one important product running in freescale TJN factory . The customer order is very strong .

  8. 芯片制造商飞思卡尔(Freescale)今天发布了该类型产品的基准设计,从而宣告了它们的问世。

    The chipmaker Freescale today heralded their arrival with the launch of its reference design for the category .

  9. 2005年和2006年,百仕通是最活跃的私人股本收购公司之一,但在2006年9月牵头投资集团收购飞思卡尔半导体(FreescaleSemiconductor)后,该公司开始变得谨慎。

    Blackstone was among the most active private equity buyers in 2005 and 2006 but grew cautious after leading the investment group that bought Freescale Semiconductor in September 2006 .

  10. 芯片公司飞思卡尔(freescale)首席执行官理查德拜尔(richardbeyer)此前预测,2010年一季度将有30款智能本上市。

    Richard Beyer , chief executive of chip company Freescale , predicted that 30 smart books would be launched in the first quarter of 2010 .

  11. 基于目前心电监护在国内外的研究现状,本论文研究并设计了一套基于飞思卡尔DSC和GPRS的远程心电监护系统。

    On the basis of research on the electrocardiogram monitoring both at home and abroad , a set of remote wireless electrocardiogram ( ECG ) monitoring system based on Freescale processor and GPRS is designed in this paper .

  12. 论文对飞思卡尔ERP系统对库存管理的方法进行了深入广泛的调研,结合半导体行业的特点,针对企业存在的实际问题,提出了本课题研究内容。

    Papers on the Freescale Inventory Management ERP system on the methods of the depth and extensive research , combined with the characteristics of the semiconductor industry , the practical problems for companies , put forward the contents of this research project .

  13. Kinetis系列微控制器是飞思卡尔公司于2010年下半年推出的基于ARMcortex-M4内核的微控制器,是业内首款Cortex-M4内核芯片。

    Kinetis series of microcontroller , based on ARM Cortex-M4 processor , is released by Freescale in the second half of 2010 , which is the first microcontroller using ARM Cortex-M4 processor .

  14. 这次在线技术座谈将会详细介绍飞思卡尔最新的功率管理器件,以太网供电器件“MCZ34670”的性能。

    This webcast will focus on Freescale 's latest addition of power management devices , the MCZ34670 Power over Ethernet powered device offering from Freescale .

  15. 根据液晶驱动芯片HT1621的性能特点和组成结构,结合飞思卡尔微控制器MC9S08AW32,论述了一种家电液晶显示系统的设计。

    According to the characteristics and constitution structure of HT1621 , combined with Freescale microcontroller MC9S08AW32 , the design of LCD display system of home appliances is introduced .

  16. 介绍了基于飞思卡尔S12系列单片机的微型热敏打印机的组成,详细分析了其工作原理,给出了热敏头过热保护以及步进电机驱动模块的设计与实现方式。

    The constitution of micro-thermal printer based on Freescale S12 family of single-chip microcomputer is introduced . The operation principle of micro-thermal printer is described in detail . For the thermal head , the design of the protection and step motor drive module are implemented .

  17. 该联盟将使得飞思卡尔进一步加强其生产策略。

    This alliance will enable Freescale to further strengthen its manufacturing strategy .

  18. 基于飞思卡尔微处理器的数字传感器设计

    Design of Digital Sensor Based on Freescale Microcontroller Unit

  19. 这一业界领先的技术路标将使飞思卡尔为客户带来巨大的价值。

    This industry-leading technology roadmap will enable Freescale to deliver substantial value to our customers .

  20. 接下来,我们将介绍飞思卡尔产品的特点和功能,并阐明其领先的特性。

    We will introduce the features and capabilities of our products and illustrate their leadership qualities .

  21. 目前,我国已经成功举办了三届全国大学生飞思卡尔杯智能汽车竞赛。

    At present , China has successfully held three national university students " Freescale Cup " smart car competition .

  22. 2004年,飞思卡尔加入旨在推动无铅封装的一个财团意法半导体,英飞凌科技和飞利浦电子公司。

    In2004 , Freescale joined STMicroelectronics , Infineon Technologies and Philips Electronics NV in a consortium intended to promote lead-free packaging .

  23. 因此引入不稳地需求的库存模型并以飞思卡尔产品进行科学计算,比较出更合理的安全库存。

    Therefore the introduction of instability in demand inventory model with Freescale scientific computing products , compare a more reasonable safety stock .

  24. 同时,我们还将带您领略更多有关飞思卡尔电场感应器件的应用意念,例如水位检测或靠近检测。

    What 's more we will also walk you through many ideas and application in using our Electric Field sensor such as water level sensing or proximity detection .

  25. 最后,座谈还将提供以飞思卡尔产品作触摸屏应用的示例以及在系统开发和按键设计中的注意事项。

    The seminar will also provide application examples of using our device for Touch Panel applications and to give design hints to the system development as well as key pad designs .

  26. 该类产品正由飞思卡尔、恩威迪亚、迈威尔和高通等无线和图形芯片制造商推动,它们一直无法在上网本市场夺得显著份额。

    The category is being promoted by wireless and graphics chipmakers such as Freescale , Nvidia , Marvell and Qualcomm , which have been unable to grab a significant share of the netbook market .

  27. 本文结合工作实践,具体阐述了供应链环境下的库存管理方法和特点,分析了飞思卡尔的库存管理模式,结合第三方物流和联合管理库存理论进行了研究。

    This paper specifically expatiates on the methods and characteristics of inventory management under supply chain environment , analyzes the patterns of inventory control in Freescale , and investigates the third party logistics and Joint Management Inventory ( JMI ) theory .