
  • 网络automotive alternator;Car Alternators
  1. 内置整流器和电压调节器的汽车交流发电机,其建压转速是一项重要的性能参数。

    The speed of voltage buildup is an important performance parameter for the automotive alternator .

  2. 汽车交流发电机Y0整流电路的分析与计算

    The Analysis and Calculation of Y_0 Rectification Circuit in Automotive Alternator

  3. 汽车交流发电机高速冲击耐久性试验系统的结构设计

    Structure Design of High-speed Shock Durability Test System on Auto Alternator

  4. 汽车交流发电机雪崩整流桥测试技术探讨

    Probing into Testing Technology of Avalanche Rectifying Bridge on Auto Alternator

  5. 汽车交流发电机畸变电动势的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on Aberrant Electromotive Force of Vehicle Alternator

  6. 介绍标致汽车交流发电机的内部电路及工作原理。

    This article introduces the internal circuit and working principles of PEUGEOT car alternator .

  7. 博世汽车交流发电机的现状与发展趋势

    Current Situation and Developing Trend of BOSCH Alternator

  8. 汽车交流发电机中性点二极管作用原理探究

    Study on Principle of Alternator Neutral Point Diodes

  9. 汽车交流发电机纹波电流及其抑制

    Ripple Current of Alternator and Its Restraint

  10. 汽车交流发电机激磁绕组的设计

    Design of Auto Alternator excitation winding

  11. 博世集团开发制造的汽车交流发电机代表着当今汽车交流发电机的发展趋势,从博世的产品发展状况中可以看出世界汽车交流发电机的发展方向。

    The alternator developed and made by BOSCH Company represents the current developing trend of alternator .

  12. 阐述了汽车交流发电机故障的诊断、检修及测试的全过程。

    This paper expounds the whole course of the diagnosing , overhauling and testing of the auto alternator .

  13. 介绍一种新型汽车交流发电机,其转子采用永磁式结构,去掉了电刷滑环、激磁绕组及爪极,采用电压调节器与三相半控桥式整流电路相配合的整流恒压线路。

    This paper introduces a new automotive alternator . Its rotor assembly is composed of permanent magnet , eliminating brushes , slip ring , excitation winding and claw pole .

  14. 基于交流发电机畸变电动势的形成过程,推导了汽车交流发电机实际工作的畸变电动势表达式。

    Based on the forming process of the aberrant electromotive force , the expression of the aberrant electromotive force in the practical work of the vehicle alternator is deduced in this paper .

  15. 汽车用交流发电机空载性能的研究

    Study on No - load Characteristic of Auto AC Generators

  16. 汽车用交流发电机磁极的净形加工新工艺

    New net shape forging process for alternator pole of automobile

  17. 系统而详细地介绍了汽车用交流发电机的结构及特性。例举低速车用交流发电机设计、结构的选择,参数的选取范围及方法;

    This paper introduces the structure and the specific properties of auto alternator and how to design the low speed one and choose its structure and its parameters .

  18. 汽车用交流发电机的皮带轮、定子线圈、整流器的故障率相对较高,本文给出了其故障的处理对策,以延长其使用寿命。

    The belt sheave , stator winding and rectifier of the vehicle alternator have a rather higher breakdown rate . Therefore , this paper gave out their solutions to extend the alternator life .

  19. 叙述了国内外汽车用交流发电机磁极生产工艺的发展,分析比较了各种生产工艺的差异,指出分流反挤压成形是目前最先进的磁极生产工艺。

    Development of production technologies domes-tic and abroad of magnetic pole of automotive AC dynamo has been described with analysis and comparison of difference of each pointing out that distributary counter extrusion form-ing is the most advanced technology .

  20. 汽车用低速交流发电机设计

    Low Speed Alternator Design for Auto

  21. 在此基础之上,对汽车发电机电磁兼容研究的重要性和本课题的主要研究内容进行了重点论述。②对汽车交流发电机的工作原理和电磁干扰源进行了研究。

    On this basis , there is a focused discussion on the significance and the main contents of electromagnetic compatibility research in automotive generators . Second , the working principle of the automotive generator and sources of electromagnetic interference have been studied .