
  1. 先进CAD技术在汽车车身设计中的应用

    The application of advanced CAD technology in car body design

  2. 汽车车身设计CAD/CAE信息集成系统中Oracle数据库的设计研究

    Study on Oracle Database Design in Integrate CAD / CAE System of Car-body Design

  3. 表面光顺设计在汽车车身设计中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Surface smoothing plays an important part in automobile body design .

  4. 基于同步工程的汽车车身设计流程分析

    Design Process Analysis of Vehicle Body Based on Simultaneous Engineering

  5. 面向对象的关系数据库及其在汽车车身设计中的应用

    Object Oriented Relational Database and Application in Vehicle Body Design

  6. 复杂曲面汽车车身设计可视化开发环境研究

    Study on a Virtual Environment for Design of Automobile Body With Complicated Surfaces

  7. 汽车车身设计方法及原则

    Design Method of and Principle for Auto Body

  8. 汽车车身设计方法探讨

    Probing into Automobile Body Design method

  9. 跨领域的思考:浅谈汽车车身设计与建筑外墙设计的比较

    Thought over different division : Comparisonof the design of automobile body and the external wall of buildings

  10. 针对复杂曲面汽车车身设计的特点提出开发可视化设计环境的设想。

    This paper presents the consideration about a virtual environment for design of automobile body with complicated surfaces .

  11. 介绍汽车车身设计的一系列方法,并着重对车身内外饰的优化、可靠性等方面进行分析。

    General situation of automobile body design in common method , and emphatically point out optimize the way of automobile body decorate , reliability and so on .

  12. 车身薄壁纵梁不仅是汽车车身设计的基本承载部件,而且也是车身发生正面碰撞时的主要吸能部件。

    Thin-walled beam of the body is not only a basic loading part in the body design , but also a main energy-absorption part in frontal impact .

  13. 精确求解轮轨三维几何接触的延拓方法随着计算机技术和信息技术的飞速发展,其应用范围也越来越广,汽车车身设计由此进入了三维几何建模时代。

    EXACT SOLUTION OF THREE DIMENSIONAL WHEEL / RAIL CONTACT GEOMETRY WITH CONTINUATION METHOD With the quick development of computer and information technology , its applications become more and more important .

  14. 同时还根据设计方法发展的规律,展望了未来汽车车身设计方法发展的方向和特点。

    Finally , regarding the principle of design methodology , this paper forecasts the future development of car body design and the application of virtual reality technology to the car body design .

  15. 随着以计算机技术为核心的现代工程技术的飞速发展,日益成熟的CAD/CAE/CAM一体化产品开发技术在汽车车身设计领域得到了广泛应用。

    With the rapid development of modern engineering technology , whose core is computer technique , increasingly mature product development technology of the integration of CAD / CAE / CAM has been widely used .

  16. 激光拼焊是目前在汽车车身设计中被广泛应用的新技术,它可将经不同表面处理、不同钢种、不同厚度的钢板采用激光焊的方法,自由组合使之成为一个毛坯件。

    Laser tailor welding is the new technology which has been used in the present car body design . Tailor welded blanks are defined as two or more sheets of blanks with equal or different thickness , strengths , or surface coatings welded together before forming .

  17. 随着产品数字化和快速制造技术的发展,逆向工程(reverseengineering)技术在汽车车身造型设计中得到了广泛的研究和应用。

    Along with the product digitization and the fast manufacture technology development , the reverse engineering technology obtained extensive research and the application in the auto-body design .

  18. 针对传统的自底向上的参数化建模技术,介绍了UG/WAVE技术及其自顶向下的建模方法,研究了汽车车身整体设计的WAVE技术。

    In terms of traditional parameterized mold design , UG / WAVE technology and its top-down mold design method was introduced and method of automobile body designing based on UG / WAVE top-down technology was studied .

  19. 文章主要介绍了汽车车身结构设计中的CAE分析流程及相关规律。

    The article chiefly introduces CAE 's analysis distance travelled by a stream of water and the correlation regular pattern in the motor vehicle bodywork physical design .

  20. Class-A曲面在汽车车身外形设计上的应用

    Application of Class-A Surface in Automotive Body Exterior Surface Design

  21. 在对汽车车身造型设计中常用的几种曲线、曲面光顺算法研究的基础上,提出一种能量优化的计算方法,并将这一算法推广到NURBS中。

    Based on researching several arithmetics of fairing curve and surface in automobile body shape-designing . We afford a Energy optimization method which can be extended to the NURBS .

  22. 结合某微型电动汽车车身造型设计的实例,研究了用UG进行点云数据处理、曲线、曲面及三维实体数学模型构建等相关技术问题;

    According to an example of a mini electric vehicle body shape-designing , several technical problems of processing point data , constructing curve , surface and three-dimensional solid body mathematic model with software UG are researched .

  23. 人机工程在汽车车身布置设计上的研究发展。

    The development of ergonomics in designing and packaging for auto-body .

  24. 该系统在计算机虚拟环境中进行汽车车身造型设计。

    In this system automobile styling is designed under virtual environment .

  25. 计算机辅助工程在汽车车身结构设计中的应用

    Application of computer aid engineering to the motor vehicle bodywork physical design

  26. 专用汽车车身广告设计研究

    Research on Poster Design of Special purpose Vehicle Body

  27. 汽车车身逆向设计法的研究

    Research of auto body reserves design

  28. 本文讨论复杂曲面汽车车身可视化设计环境的具体实现。

    The paper discusses the realization of a visualized development environment for car body with complicated surfaces .

  29. 工程应用实例表明,上述技术的综合运用可显著缩短汽车车身模具设计制造的周期,降低成本,并保证中小批量生产的品质要求。

    Engineering applications show that the technique can reduce the total design and manufacturing time by up to30 % while maintaining desired quality of the formed components .

  30. 介绍了汽车车身自动设计和快速成形的计算机辅助设计系统的几个关键技术:汽车车身参数化,汽车车身装配的控制结构,设计专家知识库等。

    This paper introduces some key technologies of automotive body , auto-shape and quick-design system , including parametric vehicle body , control structure of vehicle assembly , knowledge database , etc.