
qì chē yùn shū chuán
  • car carrier
  1. 针对汽车运输船(PCC)船侧非贯通横舱壁周围裂纹损伤这一突出问题,通过有限元数值方法对一具有代表性的实船损伤实例进行了分析;

    The crack damage around the transverse partial bulkheads of the hold in a pure car carrier ( PCC ), as one of the major problems in PCC , is investigated . Typical crack damage in an actual PCC is numerically analyzed with the finite element method .

  2. 4590车位汽车运输船结构设计中的几个问题

    Some problems about structure design of 4 590 car carrier

  3. 这家瑞典公司的S60L轿车将先用卡车运到上海港口,再装载到汽车运输船上横跨太平洋,最终在洛杉矶卸载。

    The Swedish company 's S60L sedans will be transported by truck to Shanghai 's port , loaded on to car carriers for shipment across the Pacific , and finally rolled off in Los Angeles .

  4. 对可装4300辆的汽车运输船(PCTC)带浮筒下水过程的动力学采用牛顿第二定律进行计算,对计算方法的选取以及影响计算结果的因素进行分析;

    The Newtonian second law is applied to calculate the hydrodynamic characteristics of the process of the 4 300 cars carrier launching with pontoon . This paper discusses about the computing methods and the factors influencing the numerical results .

  5. 汽车运输船运输市场分析

    Transportation market analysis for car carriers

  6. 从汽车运输船的船型特征入手,分析了世界上几个主要的汽车滚装船队的运力状况。

    Starting from the analysis of characters for automobile carriers , the author analyzed the transportation capacity of the lager Ro-Ro fleets in the world .

  7. 介绍了汽车运输船的结构特点及设计计算中的关键部位,以及针对其特有问题&扭曲变形而采取的不同设计方法。

    The paper introduces the structural characteristics and key positions in design calculation of the car carrier , and the different design methods to cope with its unique racking problem .

  8. 本文通过对4590车位汽车运输船实船结构设计的介绍,初步探讨了汽车运输船结构强度中存在的问题及其解决方法。

    Based on the introduction to the structure design of the 4 590 car carrier , the paper studied the problems about the structure strength of this car carrier and their solutions .