
qì chē chuán dònɡ xì
  • automotive transmission
  1. 指出汽车传动系的扭转振动是产生车内振动噪声、降低汽车乘坐舒适性的重要根源之一;

    Torsional vibration in automotive transmission system is one of the predominant factors causing interior vibration and noise , and reducing ride comfort of motor vehicles .

  2. 阐述了汽车传动系扭转振动的主要特点;对传动系中变速器、主减速器等主要零部件的扭振噪声的发生机理及控制方法进行了评述。

    In this paper the principal features of torsional vibration in automotive transmission system are described , the mechanism leading to the torsional vibration noise in main parts and components of gearbox and real axle final drive in transmission system as well as its control way are commented .

  3. 基于MATLAB的汽车传动系参数的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Automobile Transmission Parameters Based on MATLAB

  4. 本文通过建立完整的汽车传动系三维模型,运用ADAMS多体动力学理论和有限元分析方法,将传动系统离散化,建立了集总质量的多自由度动力学模型。

    By the ADAMS multi-bodies dynamic theory and the finite element analysis method , this 3D model was discrete and the concentration mass dynamic model with the multi-degrees of free was made .

  5. 大修汽车传动系异常响声形成原因

    Causes of Abnormal Noise in Transmission System of Overhauled Motor Vehicles

  6. 基于虚拟仪器的汽车传动系冲击性能检测系统

    Automobile power train impacting durability test system based on virtual instruments

  7. 纯电动汽车传动系参数的区间优化方法

    Interval Optimization Method of Power Train Parameters in Pure Electric Vehicles

  8. 汽车传动系万向传动装置的多目标优化设计

    Multi Objective Optimal Design of the Automotive Universal Joint Driveshaft Arrangement

  9. 纯电动汽车传动系参数匹配的研究

    Study on matching in power train parameters on pure electric vehicles

  10. 汽车传动系零件寿命及可靠性计算方法研究

    Calculation of Fatigue Life and Reliability of Automobile Transmission System Parts

  11. 发动机后横置时汽车传动系的设计

    Design of Auto Transmission System with Rear and Cross Mounted Engine

  12. 仿真技术在汽车传动系参数优化设计中的应用

    Application of Emulation in Optimization of Power Train System Parameters

  13. 键合图理论在传统汽车传动系参数优化中的应用

    Parameters optimization of conventional vehicle power train by bond graph

  14. 汽车传动系扭振噪声的发生机理及控制方法探析

    Study on the Producing Mechanism of Torsional Vibration Noise and Controlling Ways

  15. 双燃料柴油机的汽车传动系参数优化设计

    Optimization Design of Automobile Powertrain Parameters on Dual-fuel Diesel Engine

  16. 差速器是汽车传动系的重要组成部分。

    Differential is an important component of automobile power train .

  17. 汽车传动系扭振特征辨识

    The Characteristics Identification on the Torsional Vibration System of Automobile Power Trains

  18. 汽车传动系参数优化设计的研究发展

    Research and development of optimization design of automobile powertrain parameter

  19. 汽车传动系最优匹配评价指标的探讨

    A Study on the Evaluation Parameters for Optimal Matching of Automobile Powertrain

  20. 汽车传动系松旷间隙自动化检测方法研究

    Study on the Automatic Testing Method for the Clearance of Automobile Transmission System

  21. 汽车传动系齿轮噪声的分析与控制

    Analysis and Control on Gear Noise of Transmission System

  22. 在用汽车传动系阻力的研究

    Investigation of Transmission Resistance of In ? use Vehicles

  23. 汽车传动系总成电封闭试验台的电气特色

    The Electrical System of the Electrical-closed Integrated Automobile Experimental Platform for Driving System

  24. 特种越野汽车传动系方案的计算机辅助设计

    Conceptual Design of Special-duty Off-road Vehicle ′ s Driveline System Based on CAD

  25. 汽车传动系冲击耐久试验台开发的关键技术

    The Key Technologies of Developing Automobile Power Train ' impacting Durability Test Rig

  26. 混合动力汽车传动系结构分析

    Analysis of the power train structure for the HEV

  27. 离合器接合过程中的汽车传动系扭转振动分析

    Analysis of torsional vibration in clutch 's jointing process

  28. 汽车传动系的动态设计理论与方法

    Review on the Theory and Method Research of Dynamic Design of Automobile Powertrain

  29. 汽车传动系故障微机诊断系统

    Micro Computer-based Fault Diagnosis System of Automotive Transmission System

  30. 轻型载货汽车传动系参数的优化

    Optimization of Transmission System Parameters of Light Truck