
  • 网络SANDVIK;Sandvik Coromant
  1. 瑞典工业集团山特维克(Sandvik)使用传感器技术监测从海上钻机到岩石破碎机等远程设备。

    At Swedish industrial group Sandvik , sensor technology is monitoring remote equipment from offshore drill rigs to rock crushing machines .

  2. 山特维克集团近年发展动态

    Status of development of Sandvik Group in recent years

  3. 山特维克卡套管是制造工艺世界一流SANDVIK集团的主要产品之一,源自机械制造之都瑞典的山特维肯市。

    Mountain Tway casing calorie is a world-class manufacturing processes SANDVIK Group , one of the main products , from machinery manufacturing capital of Sandviken , Sweden .

  4. 瑞银的研究报告显示,随之而来的影响将是卡特彼勒、美卓公司(Metso)、小松、山特维克(Sandvik)、沃尔沃(Volvo)、迪尔、特雷克斯(Terex)等西方巨头的利润被分走一杯羹。

    The effect of this would be a reduction in the available profit pool for western giants such as Caterpillar , Metso , Komatsu , Sandvik , Volvo , Deere , Terex and others , the UBS research report said .

  5. 山特维克矿山和工程机械集团全面进入中国

    Sandvik Mining & Construction enter into China

  6. 帮助用户提高切削效率,降低生产成本&山特维克可乐满在华推出多款新刀具

    Help the Customers to Improve the Productivity and Reduce the Cost & Sandvik Launched Several New Tools in China

  7. 山特维克传动系统在未来的几年乃至几十年将会继续深入中国并迅速成长。

    Sandvik Process Systems has a deep commitment towards China and strong growth potential for the coming years and decades .

  8. 山特维克表面技术提供新的预镀层不锈钢带产品,为电子行业带来独特、创新的材料解决方案。

    Sandvik surface technology provide pre-pvd coated stainless steel strip , this will bring unique and innovative material solution to the electronics industry .

  9. 山特维克在本文件的评估过程中按照最佳技术性能和商业因素来做出的必要假定,以加粗的斜体字来表示。

    Assumptions necessarily been taken by SANDVIK under consideration of best technical performance and commercial aspects during the evaluation of this document are indicated in bold italic letters .

  10. 多马刀具公司隶属于山特维克集团,擅长制造高质量的圆柄类整体硬质合金和高速钢刀具,例如钻头、丝锥、铣刀、铰刀和螺纹铣刀等。

    Part of the Sandvik Group , Dormer 's expertise lies in the manufacture of superior round tools-drills , taps , cutters , reamers and thread milling cutters-in Solid Carbide and HSS .

  11. 同样,安德斯·Barheim和Hogne·山特维克(1996年搞笑诺贝尔生物学奖的主),他们发现,酸奶油刺激水蛭的食欲,但是大蒜常能杀死癌细胞,显然这也符合“不能重复”这一标准。

    Similarly , Anders Barheim and Hogne Sandvik ( Ig Nobel Biology Prize , 1996 ) , who discovered that sour cream stimulates the appetite of leeches , but that garlic often kills them , clearly qualify under the " cannot be repeated " phrase .