
shān zhài jī
  • bandit phone
  1. 回答,没有,这个山寨机是一模一样的,很好用。

    No have , this copy , same same , very good .

  2. 有人说,深圳是“山寨机”的天堂。

    It is said that Shenzhen is the " cottage machine " paradise .

  3. 山寨机,不受任何条件影响!

    Cottage , is not subject to any conditions !

  4. 创新网络演化与企业技术追赶:中国山寨机的启示

    The evolution of innovation networks and technology catching-up : the case of Chinese " emulational mobile phone "

  5. 并对山寨机的出现进行详细分析,提出对这一群体进行有效的引导与规范的建议。

    And analyzed the emergence of cottage machine phone and gave effective guidance and specifications to this group .

  6. 根据保守估计,山寨机已占据我国三分之一的手机市场销售份额。

    According to a conservative estimate , emulational cell phones have had a one-third share of the domestic market .

  7. 山寨机因价格低廉和功能齐全而受到农民工的青睐。

    Emulational mobile phones have won the favor of the rural migrant workers for their low prices and all necessary functions .

  8. 山寨机厂商与正规手机厂商共享一条价值链,让情况变得更加复杂。

    Things are further complicated by the fact that the " bandit " and the legitimate handset makers share the same value chain .

  9. 山寨机的生产者、销售商、设计人员很懂市场,他们很了解消费者的需求和消费心理。

    Producers , vendors and designers of the pirate mobile are very familiar with the market ; they comprehend consumer demand and consumer psychology .

  10. 与经典的山寨机不同,这些手机有一年的保修期,并附有一本写明厂商地址和电话的手册。

    Different from the classical " bandit " phones , these handsets come with a one-year guarantee and a booklet carrying the address and phone number of the manufacturer .

  11. 通过对天语手机的发展路径进行分析,从产业链整合及品牌创建的角度探讨山寨机手机未来的发展方向。

    Through the analysis of the development of brand " k-touch ", to discuss about the orientation of emulational mobile phone from industry conformity and brand creation in the future . 4 .

  12. 山寨机(具备高端手机的所有功能,但价格更低)的销量已从2006年的1700万部飙升至去年的6200万部。

    Sales of copycat mobile phones , with all the functions of top models but a lower price , have soared from 17 million units in 2006 to 62 million units last year .

  13. 你可以在大的商场或购物中心买到,可以在小巷里买到,也可以在地下市场买到。每个人都在卖山寨机,这真是非常企业化了!

    While a handful of illegal companies produced black market mobiles , they often were of poor quality mainly because the technology needed to make them was hard to come by and even harder to master .