
  1. 中国举重队备战、参赛北京残奥会的心理训练

    Mental Training for the Weightlifting Team of China before the Beijing Paralympics Games

  2. 在这届奥运会中,中国举重队在举重8个级别的项目中获得了7金1银的好成绩。

    In this Olympics , the Chinese weightlifting team has won 7 gold and 1 silver in a total of 8 levels of men and women .

  3. 中国残疾人举重队备战世锦赛集训技术攻关研究

    Research on the Camp Training of Chinese Handicapped Weightlifting Team for World Championship

  4. 八金壮举,举世无双五菱汽车携手中国国家举重队共举梦想未来。

    With eight Olympic gold medals , unparalleled in the world , Wuling vehicles join hands with China 's weightlifting team to creat a greater future .

  5. 实践证明,中国残疾人举重队在雅典残奥会上获得5金4银6铜的优异成绩昭示了准备雅典残奥会的训练是成功的,技术是规范的、标准的、世界一流的。

    The truth that Chinese paralympic weight-lifting team winning 5 golden , 4 silver and 6 bronze medals on Athens Paralympic Games showed that the training of preparing for Paralympic Games is successful and techniques of weight-lifting are normal , standard and best in the world .

  6. 中国体操队、举重队备战、参赛北京奥运会的心理训练

    Mental Training of China Gymnastics Team and Weightlifting Team for Beijing Olympic Games