
  1. 新经济与中国企业创新之路

    New Economy and China 's Road to Creation

  2. 此类互惠、双赢的合作模式将开拓出一条有中国特色的创新之路。

    This kind of mutually beneficial and win-win partnership will pave the road for a new form of innovations with Chinese characteristics .

  3. 探索中国铁路车站创新之路:铁四院近期设计综述

    Exploring Innovative Design Methods in Construction of China Railway stations : Analysis of Recent Railway Station Design created by the Fourth Survey and Design Institute of China Railways

  4. 全球金融危机下中国期货市场的创新之路

    The Road of Innovation for China 's Futures Market under Global Financial Crisis

  5. 因此,众多专家学者呼吁,面对强大的跨国零售商带来的激烈的竞争压力,探索适合中国零售企业的创新之路已是迫在眉睫的课题。

    Therefore , many experts and scholars called that innovation is the imminent task for Chinese retailers facing the intense competitive pressure from strong multinational retailers .

  6. 通过对中国当代美术现状的深入思考,提出中国美术的创新之路在于弘扬中国精神。

    The thoughts on the present situation of contemporary fine arts in China conclude that the road to the innovation of the Chinese fine arts lies in developing national spirit .