
  • 【交】partially prestressed concrete
  1. 阐述一种分析部分预应力混凝土B类构件应力的方法。

    The paper expounded a method to analyzing B parts stress of portion prestressed concrete .

  2. CFRP筋无粘结部分预应力混凝土梁受力性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Flexural Behavior of Unbonded Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams with CFRP Tendons

  3. 本文利用BP神经网络模型,对部分预应力混凝土矩形截面梁裂缝宽度的计算方法进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the crack width of partly prestressing concrete square-section beam under the bending moment is explored by BP neural network .

  4. 30m部分预应力混凝土低高度箱梁施工技术

    Construction Technique of 30 m Partial Prestressed Concrete Low-altitude Box Beam

  5. 40m部分预应力混凝土铁路箱形简支梁预制

    Precasting of 40-m PPC Simply Supported Box Girder of Railway Bridge

  6. 30m跨部分预应力混凝土托梁的结构设计及测试分析

    Design and Measuring on a Partially Prestressed Concrete Transfer Beam with 30m Long Span

  7. 24m两侧拼接式部分预应力混凝土整孔箱梁研究设计

    Design of two flanks spliced joint factory-made partially prestressed concrete box girder

  8. 三峡工程建设管理大楼21m跨部分预应力混凝土框架设计

    Design of 21m span partially prestressed concrete frames for TGP construction administrative building

  9. 28m跨部分预应力混凝土框架结构设计与测试分析

    The Design and Testing of a 28 - meter Span Structure Partially with Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Beams

  10. 本文简要介绍了部分预应力混凝土(P.P.C.)在国内外的应用情况,并结合P。

    A brief introduction on the application of partially prestressed Concrete ( P.P.C. )

  11. 对部分预应力混凝土(PPC)连续梁0号块节段模型进行试验研究,确定实际桥梁对应的截面的使用性能和极限承载力。

    Test study for model of Segment No. 0 of a partial prestressed concrete ( PPC ) continuous girder was made in order to check the serviceability and ultimate carrying capacity of the corresponding section of the actual bridge .

  12. 部分预应力混凝土梁裂缝宽计算方法的探讨&兼评荷兰德尔夫特(Delft)技术大学的方法

    Discussions on the Computing Method of Crack Widths of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams & An Evaluation of the Computing Method Put Forward by Delft University of Technology , The Netherlands

  13. 以CFRP筋作为无粘结预应力筋,以环氧涂层钢筋或镀锌钢筋作为非预应力筋的无粘结CFRP筋部分预应力混凝土梁板可避免因预应力钢筋锈蚀而引起的结构物承载力下降和耐久性降低。

    The load bearing capacity and durability of structures decline caused by the corrosion of prestressing tendons could be effectively avoided by CFRP tendons as prestressing tendons instead of high strength steel bars , and by epoxy coated or galvanized steel bars as non-prestressing reinforcements .

  14. 介绍了跨度16m的先张法部分预应力混凝土梁的设计、制作、试验、应用技术,说明梁体可安全地使用在铁路桥梁上。

    Design , fabrication , test and application of pretensioned partially prestressed concrete beams 16m in span length are narrated , and furthermore , the beams are proved safe for use in railway bridges .

  15. 基于实测的钢筋混凝土吊车梁疲劳荷载谱,经过适当的简化得到试验用随机变幅疲劳荷载谱,并通过MTS疲劳试验机实现了该随机变幅疲劳荷载谱作用下部分预应力混凝土梁的疲劳试验。

    C. crane beams , established through a practical survey , a random-amplitude fatigue loading spectrum for conducting tests is obtained through appropriate simplifications . Fatigue tests of prestressed concrete beams under the random-amplitude fatigue loading spectrum are conducted by using MTS fatigue machines .

  16. 介绍了4片部分预应力混凝土(PPC)箱形变截面连续梁的主要试验结果,研究了其静力全过程的特点,并讨论了PPC连续梁弯矩重分布的情况。

    The main static test results of 4 pieces of Partially Prestressed Concrete ( PPC ) continuous box girder bridge with variable cross section are introduced , and the whole static test process is investigated . Meanwhile , the moment rearrangement of PPC continuous box girder is discussed .

  17. 本文分析和讨论了影响部分预应力混凝土(以下以P.P.C.代之)梁斜裂缝开展的各主要因素,并根据38次P.P。

    Based on 38 shear tests of Partially prestressed concrete beams , this paper discusses the main influence factors and advances a new calculated model of diagonal crack width .

  18. 分析了影响无粘结部分预应力混凝土(UPPC)梁桥无粘结预应力筋极限应力的主要因素,并简要评述了国内外现有的无粘结预应力筋极限应力计算方法与公式。

    This paper analyses the main factors which affect the ultimate stress of unbonded tendons in unbonded partially prestressed concrete ( UPPC ) beam bridges , and simply introduces the various calculating methods and equations of the ultimate stress in unbonded post tensioning .

  19. 建立了系统的无粘结部分预应力混凝土简支空心板梁桥设计理论和方法,有助于UPPC梁桥设计理论的完善及发展,并为公桥规的修订和完善提供有益的参考。

    The systemic design theory and method of unbounded partial prestressed concrete bridge with simple hollow board beam is founded in this paper , which can perfect the design theory of UPPC bridge and provide benefit reference for editing the road and bridge criterion .

  20. 公路部分预应力混凝土T梁实用优化设计

    Practical Optimum Design of Partially Prestressed Concrete T-beams in Highway Bridge

  21. 部分预应力混凝土梁斜裂缝宽度计算的探讨

    Inquiry of Diagonal Crack Width Calculation of Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams

  22. 部分预应力混凝土梁开裂截面中和轴位置简捷算法

    Speedy determination of neutral axis location of PPC beams after cracking

  23. 部分预应力混凝土迭合梁设计方法的探讨

    A Study on Design Method for Partially Prestressed Concrete Overlapped Beams

  24. 大跨度部分预应力混凝土多层框架的设计研究

    Design and Research of Long Span Partially Prestressed Concrete Multistory Frame

  25. 大跨度双向正交部分预应力混凝土梁的设计与分析

    Design and analysis of orthogonal two-way long-span partially prestressed concrete beam

  26. 部分预应力混凝土结构配筋估算

    Quantity Estimation of Disposed Tendon of Partially Prestressed Concrete Structures

  27. 部分预应力混凝土扁梁框架节点的拟静力试验研究

    Quasi-static experimental study on frame joints with partially prestressed concrete flat beam

  28. 钢-部分预应力混凝土连续组合梁内力重分布研究

    Study on Moment Redistribution of Steel Partially Prestressed Concrete Composite Continuous Beams

  29. 部分预应力混凝土梁抗剪强度的分析与计算

    Analysis and Determination of the Shear Strength of PPC Beams

  30. 疲劳荷载作用下部分预应力混凝土梁的裂缝控制

    Crack Control for Partially Prestressed Concrete Beams under Fatigue Loading