
  • 网络Partial Fraction
  1. 有理函数部分分式的分解定理及其应用

    Decomposition Theorem and Application of Partial Fraction of Rational Function

  2. 将函数Laurent展开定理及留数概念应用于有理分式是将有理分式化为部分分式的一种行之有效的方法。

    This article approaches an effective method which applies expansion in Laurent theorem and reside concept to rational fraction , and then makes rational fraction partial fraction .

  3. 空间隐式有限差分则可以用象征函数的Padè近似或部分分式导出。

    Implicit space difference can be solved by pad è approximation or part fraction .

  4. 本文对亚纯函数f(z)的极点全是二级极点的情形,进行了研究并给出了f(z)的部分分式分解表示法。

    In this paper , We have researched those meromorphic functions only with two order poles and given a representation about partial fractions of the f ( z ) .

  5. 有理既约真分式化为部分分式的又一方法

    Another Method for Transforming Rational reduced True Fraction into Partial Fraction

  6. 有多重极点时部分分式展开式的简易算法

    A easy algorithm for partial fraction expansion with multiple poles

  7. 有理分式展开为部分分式的逐项分离算法

    A New Method for Expanding a Rational Fraction to a Partial Fraction

  8. 这种繁冗的遁辞常见于数学的许多部分分式中。

    This sort of ritual circumlocution is common to many parts of mathematics .

  9. 关于真分式的部分分式分解

    On the Partial Fraction Expansion of True Fraction

  10. 在数学学习中经常要将有理函数分解成部分分式之和。

    It is widely used to decompose a rational function into the sum of partial fractions .

  11. 给出了把真分式分解为部分分式之和的一个简便方法。

    We give a simple method of partitioning a true fraction into the partial fraction expansion .

  12. 将有理函数分解为部分分式的难点就是确定部分分式中的待定系数。

    The difficulty in decomposing rational function into partial fraction is to fix the undetermined coefficient in partial fraction .

  13. 本文利用导数给出了有理真分式分解为部分分式时的一个简洁的系数公式以及该公式的使用。

    This paper , by using derivative , gives a concise coefficient formula and its usage in decomposing rational into partial fraction .

  14. 接着利用导纳矩阵部分分式的展开来求得待调滤波器耦合矩阵,着重研究了消除端口相位加载的方法。

    The method based on the partial fraction expansions of admittance matrix is used to synthesize coupling matrix of the filters under tuning .

  15. 给出了几个常用有理分式分解成部分分式之和的分解公式和证明。

    This article gives that several commonly rational functions are divided into the decompose summation of the partial fraction formulas and their proof .

  16. 笔者在此指出了罗朗级数的系数与有理函数分解的部分分式之和的系数之间的关系,并举出应用实例。

    This paper points out the relationship between the coefficient of Laurent series and that of the sum of partial fractions for rational functions . Some typical examples are presented in illustration .

  17. 因而该信道下的匹配滤波界可以简洁地表示为该特征函数部分分式展开中负特征值对应的系数之和。

    Therefore , the matched filter bound for such channels can be expressed as the sum of the coefficients corresponding to the negative eigenvalues in the partial fraction expansion of the characteristic function .

  18. 模具的动模部分带齿轮-齿条抽芯机构,定模部分采用组合对分式滑块结构。

    There is a draw cores mechanism with gear-rack on the moving mould part , the combined and bisected type of slide block construction is adopted on the fixed mould part .