
  • 网络maximum modulus principle
  1. 实Clifford分析中双正则函数的最大模原理

    Maximum Modulus Principle for Biregular Functions in Real Clifford Analysis

  2. 结合教学内容给出最大模原理的几要推论,而列举三点基本的应用,最后指出其在证明Schwarz引理过程中的应用。

    This article arrives at several inferences of maximum modulus principle in combination with the teaching , gives three basic application and points out the application in the process of proving schwarz lemma .

  3. Hilbert空间上解析函数的最大模原理

    Maximan Modulus Principle of Analytic Functions on Hilbert Space

  4. 对有界正则函数族中的函数,根据最大模原理和有界函数的系数不等式,得到了n阶导数的准确估计式。

    A general estimation of the nth derivation of the function is presented by using the principle of the inductive model and the characters of the bounded functions .

  5. 向量值最大模原理的一点注记

    Remarks On the Maximal Modul Principle of Vector Valued Functions

  6. 解析函数最大模原理的概率证明

    Probabilistic Proof of thc Maximum Modulus of Analytic Functions

  7. 最大模原理的推广

    The generalization of maximum modulus principle

  8. 瞬变温度场问题的有限元解法和最大模原理

    The finite element method of the transient heat conduction equation and the principle of maximum norm

  9. 带第三类边界条件的热传导方程的守恒型格式和最大模原理

    A computing method for heat conduction equation with the third boundary condition and the maximum norm principle

  10. 应用瞬变电场寻找油气藏的理论瞬变温度场问题的有限元解法和最大模原理

    The theory of exploring oil & gas reservoirs by employing transient electric field THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD OF THE TRANSIENT HEAT CONDUCTION EQUATION AND THE PRINCIPLE OF MAXIMUM NORM