
  • 网络optimality analysis
  1. 应用数据包络分析(DEA)技术,建立了矿山系统动态最优分析模型。

    This paper employs the data envelopment technique to set up a dynamic optimum analyzing model on mine system .

  2. 金融市场中间费用的最优分析

    An Optimal Analysis of Intermediate Expenditures in Financial Market

  3. 矿山系统动态最优分析方法

    Dynamic optimum analyzing method on mine system

  4. 三次回归是建立正常人群骨密度参考图的最优分析模型;

    A cubic regression model was the better model to establish a normal BMD reference curve .

  5. 变分同化、变分最优分析及流体动力稳定性中若干问题的研究

    Theoretical Research on Some Problems of Variational Data Assimilation Method , Variational Optimization Analysis and Hydrodynamical Stability

  6. 最后,本文发展了一个基于最小二乘原理的最优分析方法。

    Then based upon the principle of least square , in this paper progress an optimum analyse method .

  7. 重点在于通过现实情况、利用计算机模型发展替代解决方案、后最优分析来得出模式公式。

    Emphasis is on model formulation from real-world situations , development of alternative solutions using computer models , and post-optimality analysis .

  8. 基于栅格GIS的最优路径分析及其应用

    A Cheapest Route Analysis Based on Raster GIS and Its Application

  9. 最后用Matlab遗传算法对实验结果进行最优迭代分析。

    Finally inside Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox optimal iterative analysis of experimental results .

  10. EXCEL在最优决策分析中的应用

    Application of Excel in optimum decision analysis

  11. CAO焚烧系统一燃室热平衡及最优工况分析

    Analysis on the Heat Balance and Optimum Condition in the Primary Chamber of a CAO System

  12. 指出了统计不相关的最优鉴别分析是经典的Fisher线性鉴别分析的进一步发展。

    It is stressed that uncorrelated optimal discriminant analysis ( UODA ) is further development of the classical Fisher linear discriminant analysis in theory .

  13. GIS软件中最优路径分析多不考虑交通时态属性信息,而是将交通网抽象为理想化的、纯数学上的点&线网络图结构,导致结果与实际不符,实用性较差。

    The best route analysis , not considering the traffic temporal attribute information , only regards the traffic network as a ideal and pure mathematic graph of point line network . So the results are not in accordance with the reality .

  14. 设计区别于传统空间数据结构的城市消防的GIS空间数据结构,实现了对消防的最优路径分析功能,增强了系统的空间分析能力;

    It design the space data construction of the urban fire-fighting according to GIS different from the traditional space data structural , realize the superior path analysis function of the fire-fighting , strengthen the analytical skill of space of the system ;

  15. ETAP分析软件在最优潮流分析中的应用

    Application of analysis software ETAP to optimal power flow ( OPF ) analysis

  16. 综合来看,以J-116的综合粘接性能最优。分析了胶层厚度、表面处理方式、被粘接物的性质与厚度、复合材料表面纤维铺层方向对粘结接头强度的影响。

    Through synthetically comparing the test data , the adhesive property of J-116 is best . The effects of adhesive thickness , surface treatment , the nature and thickness of base materials and fiber orientation of composite materials on the strength of the adhesive joint are analyzed .

  17. 用最优轨迹分析法研究战斗机的敏捷性

    Evaluation of Several Functional Fighter Agility Metrics Using Optimal Trajectory Analysis

  18. 公路排水输沙渠道和涵洞水力最优断面分析

    Optimal Hydraulic Section of Highway Drainage and Sand-conveying Channels and Culverts

  19. 我国财政收入规模的现状与最优取值分析

    Analysis on the Current and Optimal Level of Fiscal Revenue Scale

  20. 考虑扭转耦联效应的附属结构最优位置分析

    Secondary system 's optimal position analysis concerning the lateral-torsion coupling effect

  21. 数据挖掘遗传算法在最优客户分析中的应用

    Application of genetic algorithm of data mining to analysis of optimal customer

  22. 区域旅游信息传递的最优模型分析

    The Model Optimization Analysis for Information Transmission of Regional Tourism

  23. 证券市场影响下投资的最优策略分析

    The Optimal Strategy Analyze under the Influence of Securities Market

  24. 混合市场运行机制及其最优均衡分析

    On the Mechanism of Mixed Market and Its Optimum Equilibrium

  25. 由模型的最优解分析知,库存系统的总成本函数是服务水平的凸函数。

    The total cost function is convex with respect to service level .

  26. 基于期权博弈的可转换债券最优策略分析

    Optimal Strategies Analysis of Convertible Bonds Based on Option Game

  27. 社会科学中定性数据最优赋值分析法的研究进展

    Development of Exploratory Statistical Methods for Qualitative Data in Social Science Research

  28. 这便决定了财政支农政策转型的结果之一必然就是要继续对农业产业化龙头企业给予扶持。江西财政支农支出最优规模分析

    An Analysis of the Optimal-scale of Expenditure on Financial Support to Agriculture

  29. 企业资源扩张的最优决策分析

    Analysis of Optimum Decision of the Resource Expand in Enterprises

  30. 混合经济的最优增长分析

    Dynamic Analysis of a Growth Model of the Mixed Economy