
  • 网络maximum force
  1. 对于缓冲缸的缓冲过程进行了分析计算,得到了缓冲缸缓冲过程中所受到了最大力和缸所受到的最大压力。

    Buffer capacity for the buffer tank were calculated , the maximum force and pressure of the cylinder can be received .

  2. 抗拉强度这可以定义为试样承受的最大力除以原始面积的所得的结果。

    The tensile strength . This is defined as the maximum force taken by the test-piece , divided by the original area .

  3. 再来一次,尽你们最大力喊。

    Once more , as loud as you can .

  4. 研究发现象限信息熵的负熵与肌肉强壮性,即能输出的最大力的能力有很强的相关性。

    The strong correlation between quadrant information entropy and the robust of muscle was discovered .

  5. 讨论SCF,结果表明仅用SCF来判断最大应力值不合理。

    The result showed that only using SCF to judge the maximum stress value is unreasonable .

  6. ABS汽车在滑动率为15%~20%时获得最大制动力系数,制动距离最短。

    The ABS automobile obtains maximum braking-force coefficient and needs a much shorter distance to stop at the slipping rate of 15 % ~ 20 % .

  7. 研究表明,最大应力强度因子与裂纹扩展速率之间呈V型扩展行为,并对外加应力水平非常敏感。

    A V shaped behavior was observed in the relation between the maximum applied stress intensity factor and the crack growth rate which is sensitive to the level of applied stress .

  8. 气体在沿着最大应力的方向上的渗透速度较快。当煤层中含有残余水分时,气体注入速度则更快,但是煤层对CO2的总封存量越小。

    The injection rate of gas is faster when residual water exists in the coal seams . The larger the moisture content , the smaller of the CO2 sequestration .

  9. [结果]有限元分析(FEA)结果显示,锁钉以15°角置入时,骨、髓内钉及锁钉所受最大应力为最小,应力分布也较其它角度均匀。

    [ Result ] The results of FEA show that the stress of bolts , bone and nails with 15 ° insertion angles of bolt was the tiniest and well distributed .

  10. 该机构还满足了最大加载力20N的要求。

    Meanwhile the loading mechanism also meets the maximum force requirement 20 N.

  11. 这里应用神经网络BP改进算法,根据应力集中点附近的三点应变值,建立应力集中点的网络模型,来确定应力集中点的最大应力值。

    In this paper , the author tries to use the improved neural network method to determine the maximum stress value by establishing the network model of the maximum stress concentration on the basis of strains at three points near the stress concentration point .

  12. 楔梁型破坏冰力是k1的增函数.这预示着最大冰力将在两种破坏模式过渡时出现。

    The ice force with wedged beam-type failure is an increasing function of size ratio k_1.This predicts that a maximum ice force will take place under the transition condition .

  13. 逼尿肌最大收缩力(Pdetmax)为(60.98±31.11)cmH2O;

    The maximum pressure of detrusor ( Pdetmax ) was 60.98 ± 31.11 cmH2O ;

  14. 用ANSYS可方便地确定POS机卡扣的最大应力和应变,并可动态显示其装配过程,以检验卡扣设计的合理性。

    The maximal stress and strain of snap-fit of POS machine could be easily obtained by taking advantage of ANSYS and the process of assembly can dynamically displayed so as to be used to check up the rationality of the design of the snap-fit .

  15. 按照连接件疲劳破坏现象,将SSF法中的挤压应力集中系数从最大应力位置处修正到了垂直于总体载荷方向处,并给出了修正后的挤压应力集中系数Ktb拟合公式。

    According to the phenomena of fatigue damage , the extrusion stress concentration factor at the position which is vertical to the overall load direction is acquired by a modification to the factor at the maximum stress position given in the stress severity factor approach .

  16. 对单向Cf/SiC复合材料进行了三点弯曲疲劳性能测试,得到了复合材料的应力-寿命曲线(S-N曲线),并对其进行线性拟合,得到疲劳最大应力与复合材料疲劳寿命的关系;

    The fatigue properties of UD-C f / SiC composites were tested using three points bending method . The curves of the maximum fatigue stress versus cycles to failure were obtained . And the curves are linearly fitted .

  17. 确定了16m,24m及32m跨度桥梁的桥墩台可能承受的最大制动力,并与试验结果进行对比分析;

    The maximum braking forces possibly exerting on abutments of bridges with spans of 16,24 and 32 meters are determined and compared with the test results , providing a theoretical basis to delimit the braking force .

  18. 运用FLAC程序模拟了土钉长度、倾角、布置方式以及土层强度参数的变化对基坑水平位移、土钉最大轴力的影响。

    An FLAC program is carried out to simulate the change of nail 's length , inclination , assign the way and soil layer parameter to the influence of the horizontal displacement of foundation pit and the greatest axel strength of soil nailing .

  19. 当覆盖层深度大于300m时,最大应力值会随着粘聚力c的增大而线性增大,当覆盖层深度小于200m,c值大于0.7MPa时,最大应力值保持常数。

    For cohesion c , the values of maximum stress linearly increase with the value of c increase when the depth is larger than 300m , but the values of maximum stress keep constant as c is larger than 0.7 MPa when the depth is less than 200 m.

  20. 然后给出了决定构件剩余强度的断裂韧性CTOD值δ0的不同温度下的概率分布;同时还给出了取决于冰厚及海冰强度的构件上最大应力的概率分布;

    Second , it gives probability distribution in different temperature that decides fracture toughness CTOD value δ c for residual strength of component and the probability distribution that depends on maximum stress on constructional element for ice thickness and sea-ice strength ;

  21. 拟合计算表明,理论和实测曲线吻合情况非常良好:相关系数>99.5%,最大应力偏差≯5MPa。

    The results of simulating calculations show that the agreements of theoretical and measured curves are vary good with the corelation coefficients > 99 . 5 % and the maximum stress departures > 5MPa .

  22. 有限厚度板中面应力强度因子(KI)m-p及最大应力强度因子(KI)max均大于平面应力或平面应变的应力强度因子。

    The value and location of maximum SIF depend on the plate thickness . Both the SIF in the middle plane ( K I ) m-p and the maximum SIF ( K I ) max are greater than the one of the plane stress or the plane strain .

  23. 试验结果表明,制动性能可靠,平均制动减速度达3.6m/s~2以上,最大踏板力不超过400N,完全可以替代气刹装置。

    The result shows that the property of the new brake system is reliable and the average brake deceleration reaches 3.6 m / s ~ 2.It makes the ultimate foot operating force no more than 400N .

  24. 本文介绍了翻车机结构力学模型的选取,对翻车机以空间刚架结构形式进行了矩阵分析,并在TQ-16型数字电子计算机上求解,找到了各杆的最大应力。

    In this article a mechanical model of tipplers is introduced . The tippler can be considered as a space frame amenable to matrix analysis . The author has solved this problem on a TQ-16 computer and found the maximum stresses of structure parts .

  25. 骨骼肌最大收缩力与最适初长度及其参数的研究

    The Study of Maximum Tension and Initial Length of Skeletal Muscle

  26. 我将尽我最大之力帮你找到住处。

    I will do my utmost to help you find accommodation .

  27. 横置螺旋弹簧隔振器在冲击激励下的最大应力研究

    A study on maximal shock stresses of wire rope isolators

  28. 集材机液压抓钩最大夹紧力的确定

    Determination of the maximum clamp force of hydraulic grapple on the SKIDDER

  29. 结果显示:加载压力与最大应力值成正比;

    The analysis shows that the greatest stress was proportion to pressure .

  30. 土钉最大轴力与基坑稳定性的研究

    Study on maximum axial force of soil nail and stability of foundation pit