
  • 网络Interpretation
  1. 活动最终解释权归北京星期五翻译中心所有。

    Beijing Friday Translation Center reserves the right for final interpretation .

  2. 大赛组委会拥有对活动的最终解释权。

    Organizing committee has the ultimate power of interpretation .

  3. 本活动最终解释权归成都XX宾馆所有。

    The final explanation right of this activity is reserved by Chengdu XX Hotel .

  4. 那么,商家是否有最终解释权?

    So , the businessman if there is the final right ?

  5. 电子音乐制作赛最终解释权归全国组委会所有。

    E-Music Creation Contest shall be explained by Nationwide Organizing Committee .

  6. 本宾馆享有对优惠条件的最终解释权。

    Rainbow Hotel reserves the right for final explanation of privileges .

  7. 永华电影城保留最终解释权。

    Yonghua cinema city reserves the right of final explanation .

  8. 本次讲座最终解释权归东莞金宝贝早教中心所有。

    All Rights Reserved by Gymboree Early Childhood Education Center .

  9. 中美项目办保留对以上信息的最终解释权。

    PDP reserves the right to the final explanation of above information .

  10. 最后,声明一点,本网站将保留最终解释权!

    Finally , stated , this website will retain finally explains the power !

  11. 本赛事最终解释权归主办方所有。

    Organizers of this event final interpretation of all .

  12. 斑竹保留最终解释权。

    Owner to retain the ultimate power of interpretation .

  13. 金宝贝丽都中心享有对此活动的最终解释权。

    Gymboree Lido Center reserves the right to the final explanation of this activity .

  14. 北京文惠宝宾馆保留此卡的最终解释权。

    The final explanation right to the card is reserved by Beijing Wenhuibao Hotels .

  15. 组委会对本次活动拥有最终解释权。

    Committee reserved the right of final explanation .

  16. 最终解释权条款是否合法呢?

    The final right terms is legal ?

  17. 本会所将对课程的变更和改动拥有最终解释权。

    The club reserves all rights in the changing and explanation of the class schedule .

  18. 球队组建者保留任何最终解释权及决定权。

    The founder of the team has the power of final interpretation and decision-making power .

  19. 本项目竞赛规则的最终解释权归国信证券股份有限公司所有。

    Interpretation of the competition rules of the Project shall reside with Guosen Securities Co. , Ltd.

  20. 此次活动的最终解释权归长安福特汽车有限公司所有。

    Chang'an Ford Automobile Co. , Ltd reserves the rights to the final explanation of the campaign .

  21. 百事公司对本网站上发布的有关“佳得乐”的信息具有最终解释权。

    The right to interpret " Gatorade " related information published on the Site belongs to PepsiCo .

  22. 本章程的最终解释权归“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛组委会所有。

    All rights reserved by the Organizing Committee of " FLTRP Cup " National English Debating Competition .

  23. 卓纪保健有张公司有权保留对上述条款的最终解释权。

    Premier MediCare Services Limited reserves the right to the interpretation of the above terms and conditions .

  24. 最终解释权剖析

    Analyze the Final Interpretation Right

  25. 注:本球会所指节假日均以上述日期为准,并保留最终解释权。

    Note : Please kindly be noted that the above dates will be treated as our club 's Holiday .

  26. 展位情况如有调整,最终解释权归属中国国际装饰艺术博览会组委会。

    Final explanation right belongs to the Organizing Committee of China International decorating art fair if there is an adjustment of booths .

  27. 诸多商家在认定自己享有最终解释权的前提下推出了诸多促销活动,并获得了一定的利益。

    Many businessmen believe that they enjoy the final interpretation right to sales promotion and hold many sales activities to attain benefits .

  28. 本人明白并同意国际金融学生论坛评审委员会保留最终解释权。

    I understand and accept that the Assessment and Compliance Subcommittee of the Finance International Student Symposium reserves the right of final interpretation .

  29. 有关本俱乐部的一切章程、条款及其它相关内容的最终解释权属于本俱乐部最高管理机构。

    All final explanation rights to rules , items , and other contents of the club showed here belong to our highest managing institution .

  30. 北京市基础设施投资有限公司和北京市轨道交通建设管理有限公司对本次活动具有最终解释权。

    Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co. , Ltd and Beijing Railway Construction and Management Co. , Ltd has final rights for interpretation of the Scheme Soliciting .