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zuì xiǎo
  • minimum;least
最小[zuì xiǎo]
  1. 尽量将自己与前配偶之间的摩擦减到最小。

    Try to keep any conflict between you and your ex-partner to a minimum

  2. ●最小价格变动,或“滴”,对这一合约是一个基本点,等于合约价值变动$25.。

    The minimum price change , or ” tick ” , for this contract is one basis point and equals a $ 25 change in the value of the contract . ( 25 = $ 1000000 ‰ 0.0001 ‰ 90 / 360 )

  3. 8是8和4的最小公倍数。

    8 is the lowest common multiple of 8 and 4 .

  4. 母狮排斥最小的幼狮,把它饿死了。

    The lioness rejected the smallest cub , which died .

  5. 爱德华是肯尼迪弟兄中最小的一个。

    Edward was the youngest of the Kennedy brothers .

  6. 我是四姐妹当中最小的。

    I am the youngest of four sisters .

  7. 她在班里年龄最小。

    She is the youngest in her class .

  8. 她最小的孩子现在上托儿所。

    Her youngest child is at nursery now .

  9. 对于最小的儿子一般所知甚少,据推测他已经夭亡。

    Little is known of the youngest son ; it is presumed that he died young .

  10. 古巴是拉丁语系国家中天主教化程度最小的国家之一。

    Cuba was one of the least Catholic of the Latin countries

  11. 斯巴鲁是日本最小的汽车制造商之一。

    Subaru is one of the smallest Japanese car makers .

  12. 当初上市的时候,麦金塔电脑是所有台式电脑里最小的。

    When launched , the Macintosh was the smallest desktop computer ever produced .

  13. 从最小的到最大的生产单位,全都在监控之下。

    From the smallest to the largest production unit , no one escaped notice .

  14. 他们倾向采用阻力最小的方案,不愿卷入纷争。

    They would rather take the line of least resistance than become involved in arguments .

  15. 最小的孩子约翰后来于14岁时夭亡。

    The youngest child , John , was to die at the age of fourteen .

  16. 即便是最小的金属物品,不管是指甲锉刀还是打火机,都会马上被没收。

    Even the smallest metallic object , whether a nail file or cigarette lighter , is immediately confiscated

  17. 父母通常偏爱最小的孩子。

    Usually , parents show favour to the youngest of their children .

  18. 中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻。这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的五分之四大。

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong , a contemporary Chinese sculptor , is the world 's smallest piece of sculpture , its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice .

  19. 比特是计算机的最小信息单位。

    Bit is the smallest unit of information used by a computer .

  20. 最小的儿子只会给全家制造麻烦。

    The youngest son has only brought down trouble on the family .

  21. 在神话故事中,最小的儿子通常总是勇敢地出发寻求幸福。

    In the fairy stories , the youngest son usually ventures forth to try to find his fortune .

  22. 可以区分出来作为植物群落学单位的植被的最小部分是“群落单元。”

    The smallest part of the plant cover that can be distinguished as a PHYTOCOENOLOGICAL unit is the " coenocell . "

  23. 把最小的女儿嫁出去我就高兴了,到那时说不定心里就安宁了。

    I shall be glad when the last of my daughters is married off , then I might have some peace of mind .

  24. 能源不足并不是在遥远的未来才会发生的事,我们之中年纪最小的人这一生中就会碰到。

    Fuel shortage isn 't something that 's going to happen in the year dot within the lifetime of the youngest of us .

  25. 迄今为止,参与者最小的只有2岁,最大的有85岁。

    So far , participants have ranged in age from 2 to 85 .

  26. 就连班上最小的孩子也被这个故事吸引了。

    Even the youngest children in the class were attracted by the story .

  27. 它是世界上最小的国家之一。

    It is one of the smallest countries in the world .

  28. 但最小的孩子尼科还是像往常一样花掉了钱。

    But Nico , the smallest child , still spent the money as usual .

  29. 其中,最大的21岁,最小的只有10岁。

    Among them , the oldest is 21 years old , while the youngest is just 10 .

  30. 他们常常觉得变化不大:最大的得到更多的权利,最小的被宠坏了。

    They often feel short-changed : the oldest gets more rights , and the youngest is spoiled .