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  • 网络once-in-a-century;Hundred years
  1. 野村证券(nomura)首席澳大利亚经济学家斯蒂芬罗伯茨(stephenroberts)表示,该国“正在经历百年一遇的贸易繁荣”。

    The country , says Stephen Roberts , chief Australia economist at Nomura , " is going through a once-in-a-century boost in trade " .

  2. 因为目前,商界正在经历百年一遇的大变革,现有的所有规则都将被打破,其中包括MBA课程教授的所有知识。

    Because right now we are going through a once-in-a-century transformation in business that is throwing out all the existing rules . And that includes everything that the MBA programs are currently teaching their students .

  3. 数月前,科学家们开始预计,全球气温记录会被刷新,部分原因是出现了百年一遇的强烈厄尔尼诺现象(El),将太平洋的热浪送进大气。

    Scientists started predicting a global temperature record months ago , in part because an El weather pattern , one of the largest in a century , is dumping an immense amount of heat from the Pacific Ocean into the atmosphere .

  4. 通过这些措施的实施,可基本消除漓江洪涝灾害而达百年一遇,漓江枯季水量也可望达40~50m3/s,从而基本解决枯季缺水问题。

    The implementation of the mentioned above measures may basically eliminate the flood disasters along Li River , and the flow of Li River in dry seasons may be up to 40 ~ 50 m 3 / s .

  5. 2008年,美国遭遇了百年一遇的金融危机。

    In 2008 , the United States suffered a rare financial crisis .

  6. 湖南百年一遇的寒冬让很多人体会到不方便。

    This winter is the coldest in the last100years.Many people had problems .

  7. 他表示:世界经济陷入了百年一遇的衰退。

    The world economy is in a once-in-a-hundred-years recession .

  8. 这场百年一遇的金融危机,留给世人的思考是沉重的。

    This once-in-a-century financial crisis is truly thought-provoking .

  9. 例如,工程师设计建筑的标准通常是能够应对百年一遇的灾害。

    For example , engineers usually design a structure to handle a one-in-100-year event .

  10. 信贷也和房地产业随着百年一遇的泡沫破裂而结束。

    The end of the credit and housing booms ended in a once-in-a-century bust .

  11. 再到1998年,中国国内发生了百年一遇的长江流域大洪水。

    And the year of1998 witnessed the worst flooding along Yangzi River in a century .

  12. 2009年的度汛标准为百年一遇洪水。

    The standard of flood protection in the year 2009 is a 100-year flood recurrence .

  13. 取得这样的“一致评价”实属政界百年一遇的好事啊!据悉,两位首脑擦出火花已经不是第一次了!

    It is not the first time US and British foreign ministers have hit it off .

  14. 他表示,百年一遇的暴风雨可能变为50年一遇。

    The storm that had been a once-in-100-years event might become a once-in-50-years event , he said .

  15. 到本世纪末,这道设施只对百年一遇的风暴起作用。

    By the end of this century the barriers will only be good for a one-in-100-year storm .

  16. 如果气候变化意味着百年一遇的事件如今每隔20年就会发生,那我们就更有理由采取行动。

    If climate change means once-in-a-century events recurring every two decades , the case for action will grow .

  17. 2008年爆发的百年一遇的金融危机更是加强了金价对于经济形势的依赖性。

    The 2008 outbreak of the financial crisis is to strengthen the dependence of the gold to the economic situation .

  18. 但是,我们应当抵制那种单纯旨在让我们免受百年一遇的经济风暴打击的应对措施。

    We should resist a response , however , that is solely designed around protecting us from the 100-year storm .

  19. 2007年8月始于美国的次贷危机引发了百年一遇的金融危机。

    The financial crisis , triggered by American subprime mortgage crisis in August 2007 , has gradually turned into a global crisis .

  20. 浅析百年一遇设计高潮位与参证站实测高潮位的关系

    Simple Analyzing the Relations of the High Tide Level Between the Designing of A-hundred-year Return Period and the Surveying in the Reference Station

  21. 这场危机与众不同,它是一次五十年或者百年一遇的事件,深深根植于人们对主要金融机构资不抵债的恐惧。

    This crisis is different – a once or twice a century event deeply rooted in fears of insolvency of major financial institutions .

  22. 通过税法改革,增加就业岗位,积蓄财富,重新实现美国梦,这样的机会百年一遇。

    This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass tax reform and to restore our jobs , our wealth , and our great American Dreams .

  23. 2007年开始的百年一遇的美国金融危机,给世界各国实体经济和虚拟经济发展带来重创。

    The serious financial crisis of U.S. beginning in 2007 brought heavy losses to the development of the world real and the virtual economy .

  24. 百年一遇的金融危机,尽管最为恶劣的时候已经过去,但对于危机的反思可以说才刚刚开始。

    Although the fierce time of the crisis has passed , people around the world just began to reflect on the effect of this crisis .

  25. 去年,美国遭遇百年一遇的金融危机,危机的中心华尔街危如累卵。

    At present , the United States experienced " once-in " of the financial crisis , the center of the crisis on Wall Street at stake .

  26. 随着2008年的美国次级贷款危机演变为百年一遇的全球性金融危机,国际市场竞争更加激烈,贸易保护主义威胁增大。

    Along with 2008 American loan crisis evolution change to the global financial crisis , the international market competition is more intense , the trade protectionism threat increases .

  27. 从供给层面上看来,教育供给不足,这种状况为早教机构发展提供百年一遇的机会。

    Seen from the aspect of the supply , education market is lack of the supply , which provides the invaluable chances for the development of the early education centers .

  28. 就像我竞选总统时提出的那样,我们将于明年完成这项工程,让这座城市可以经受百年一遇的暴风雨。

    And just as I pledged as a candidate , we are going to finish the system by next year , so that this city is protected against a100-year storm .

  29. 介绍了建筑黄河油港,采用板进结构码头设计工艺和施工技术,码头建成投产至今,经历了百年一遇强台风考验,为在淤泥质开敞海底建设板桩码头取得了成功经验。

    The design and construction technology of pland piles structure dock in Huanghe Oil Harbor are introduced , and a wide vista is provided for mud sediment open sea harbor works .

  30. 即使在发生百年一遇的金融危机、许多金融衍生品规模大幅萎缩的市场背景下,利率互换市场仍旧不断扩大,成为全球范围内最为重要的场外金融衍生产品。

    Even in the period of global financial crisis , when many kinds of derivatives dramatically shrink , interest rate swap market has however expanded as the most important OTC financial derivative .