
  1. 2004年,该别墅入选“中华百年建筑经典”。

    In2004 , the Villa was elected as " Chinese Classical Architecture of One Century " .

  2. 百年同济校园建筑的保护与再利用

    Protection and Re-use of the Campus Buildings in Tongji University

  3. 作者认为中国现在的建筑文化主要有3个源头:中国传统建筑文化、外来建筑文化和近百年中国新建筑文化。

    According to the author , modern Chinese architectural culture has chiefly three sources : The Chinese traditional architectural culture , foreign architectural culture and the Chinese new architectural culture of the past hundred years .

  4. 这座房子是座拥有百年历史的法式建筑。

    There is an old building of French style situated at No.72 Chifeng Road of Tianjin .

  5. 有百年历史耶总局建筑会规划做古迹。千百年里,古埃及人对尼罗河顶礼膜拜。

    The bureau's100 year old headquarter building will be classified as a historic landmark . For centuries the ancient Egyptians worshipped the Nile .

  6. 桥上的累累弹痕是一段历史的见证。有百年历史耶总局建筑会规划做古迹。

    The bullet holes on the bridge bear witness to a period of history . The bureau's100 year old headquarter building will be classified as a historic landmark .