
  1. 《百苗图》原本编排体例探析

    A Probe into the Editorial Layout of the Original One Hundred Miao Drawings

  2. 百苗图与19世纪初贵州各民族文化

    " Bai Miao Tu " and Ethnic Culture of Guizhou Province in Early 19th Century

  3. 《百苗图》类文献的渊源。

    2 , The origins of the kind of document about 《 Baimiao Tu 》 .

  4. 百苗图贵州现存抄本述评

    A Comment on Handwritten Copies of Bai Miao Tu ( Picture of Ethnic Nationalities ) Extant in Guizhou

  5. 《百苗图》对《贵州通志·苗蛮志》(乾隆)的批判与匡正(下)

    The Criticism and Rectification of the book Baimiao Paint on Guizhou Annals · Miao Annals ( The Second Half Part )

  6. 这部分最为全面系统地收集与整合了国内外有关《百苗图》收藏与研究的信息。

    This part collects and integrates the information most systematically and completely which has something to do with the collection and research about 《 Baimiao Tu 》 at domestic and foreign .