
  1. 你唱的调子不对。

    You are not singing in tune .

  2. 这首歌你唱得不合调子。

    You are not singing the song in tune .

  3. 一旦这种歌队受过训练,能够唱欧里庇德斯的调子,一种棋逢敌手似的戏剧便兴盛起来,那是描写勾心斗角以智取胜的新喜剧。

    As soon as this chorus had acquired a competence in the Euripidean key , the new comedy -- that chesslike species of play -- with its constant triumphs of cleverness and cunning , arose .

  4. 他声音很一般,但唱得都在调子上。

    It was just an ordinary voice , but he sang in tune

  5. 格里菲思的报纸如今也在唱同一个调子。这支军队长了杨梅大疮,已经糜烂不堪了。海外的或醉醺醺的帝国。

    Griffith 's paper is on the same tack now : an army rotten with venereal disease : overseas or halfseasover empire .

  6. 但是,另一方面,他往往感到一种冲动,要唱出音乐的调子和表演歌喉的造诣。

    while , on the other hand , he feels himself continually impelled to musical discharge and a virtuoso exhibition of his vocal talent .

  7. 吹过我的屋脊的风,正如那扫荡山脊而过的风,唱出断断续续的调子来,也许是天上人间的音乐片段。

    The winds which passed over my dwelling were such as sweep over the ridges of mountains , bearing the broken strains , or celestial parts only , of terrestrial music .

  8. 请歌手把调子唱高一点,他们唱的调子太低了点。

    Please ask the singer to pitch the song up a little , they sound rather flat .