
  • 网络Sing the Song;A SONG TO SING
  1. 当那日在犹大地人必唱这歌,说,我们有坚固的城。耶和华要将救恩定为城墙,为外郭。

    In that day will this song be made in the land of judah : we have a strong town ; he will make salvation our walls and towers .

  2. 老师们每天都唱这首歌来欢迎学生来到教室。

    Teachers sang it each day to welcome their students to the classroom .

  3. 但是对于OneDirection来唱这首歌?

    But for One Direction to sing this song ?

  4. 但是他没有像我一样和OD一起唱这首歌!

    But he ain 't on a OD song with me !

  5. 一个广为流传的说法是唱这首歌的PeterFreudenthaler以前有一个法国女朋友,不幸遭遇车祸去世了,而正是撞上了一颗柠檬树。

    The singer ( Peter Freudenthaler ) had a French girlfriend who died in a car accident , in which she crashed against a lemon tree .

  6. 1978年,鲍勃·迪伦比谁人乐队早一年开了一场著名的演唱会,表演了歌曲《战争大师》(MastersofWar)并说到,“在这个地方唱这首歌真是太满足了!”

    In 1978 , a year before The Who , Bob Dylan gave a famous concert , playing " Masters of War " and noting , " What a pleasure it is to sing it in this place . "

  7. 如果你在我们的婚礼上唱这首歌。

    If you want to sing that song at our wedding .

  8. 到了这儿,你就应该学唱这首歌。

    Since you are here , you should learn this song .

  9. 所以今晚能唱这首歌我很激动。

    I am so excited to sing it for everyone tonight .

  10. 唱这首歌有点别扭。

    It was a weird thing to do to that song .

  11. 这不是你唱这首歌的调,伙计。

    That 's not the way you sing that song , mon .

  12. 到了包头要是不会唱这首歌。

    If I couldn 't sing this song in Baotou .

  13. 有人常听见她在房间里唱这首歌。

    She is often heard to sing the song in the room .

  14. 让我们手拉手一起唱这首歌!

    Let us sing the song hand in hand together !

  15. 如果可能的话,希望能再次为你唱这首歌。

    If possible , hope you can sing this song .

  16. 莫莉:我猜。让学唱这首歌吧!

    Molly : I guess not . Let 's learn !

  17. 唱这首歌的歌手叫什么名字?

    What 's the name of the singer who sings this song ?

  18. 你父母唱这首歌哄你入睡?

    Your parents would sing that song to put you to sleep ?

  19. 我也不能唱这首歌。

    I can 't sing this song , too .

  20. 让我们以高音调唱这首歌。

    Let 's sing this in a higher key .

  21. 怎么啊,你要学唱这首歌啊?

    What , you want to learn this song ?

  22. 到今天每个人都还记得并且会唱这首歌。

    That everyone can still recognize and sing today .

  23. 我们到达时,听见她在唱这首歌。

    We often hear this song sung by her .

  24. 看到西蒙和大家唱这首歌,我们非常激动。

    It was so exciting to watch Simon and the cast sing it .

  25. 她只在遇见你的日子唱这首歌她记得我?

    She only sings on days she meets you . She remembers me ?

  26. 我会在你的葬礼上唱这首歌。

    I 'm gonna sing it at your funeral .

  27. 需要两组人来唱这首歌。

    You need two groups to sing this song .

  28. 经常有人听到他唱这首歌。

    He is frequently Listend to sing the song .

  29. 我认为她不会用英文唱这首歌。

    I don 't believe that she can sing the song in English .

  30. 你能唱这首歌很有意思。

    It is funny you are singing that .