
  • 网络Sing to you
  1. 我的职责是用语言告诉你,而不总是用这上帝赐予的嗓子唱给你听。

    My mission is to talk to you , not just sing to you that god bless me with the voice .

  2. 宇宙的旋律,音乐家可以唱给你听,但无法给你感受那旋律的耳朵,或是重现那旋律的歌喉。

    The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space , but he cannot give you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it .

  3. 听我唱给你听。现在为我唱。

    Hear me sing to you.Now sing for me .

  4. 我把我唱给你听。

    Ya , it 's me . I 'm singing .

  5. 你是让我现在就唱给你听吗

    You 're gonna make me sing it now ?

  6. 我这就唱给你听:(开始唱…在彩虹之上,有个很高的地方…)京晶:嗯……这个…那个…小高,你开玩笑呢吧?

    Here it goes : [ start to sing somewhere over the rainbow ... ] Uh ... Xiao Gao ... ? Are you serious ?

  7. 真正的朋友是知道你心中的歌曲,并且能在你忘却歌词之时唱给你听的人。

    A real friend is who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words .

  8. 要我唱摇篮曲给你听吗?

    Want me to sing you a lullaby ?

  9. 每个分开的夜晚我都要唱一首秘密给你听

    I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart

  10. 我动,动成飘飞的云儿,在天空中唱一首万古流芳的恋歌,唱给你听。

    I am dancing into the flying cloud , singing a love song under the deep blue sky , only to you .