
chàng duàn
  • aria
唱段 [chàng duàn]
  • [aria] 戏曲唱腔的一个段子

  • 京剧唱段

唱段[chàng duàn]
  1. 这一唱段抒发了一个开拓者的壮志豪情。

    This aria expresses ( or conveys ) the resolve and aspiration ideals of a pioneer .

  2. 玛丽亚·卡拉斯经典歌剧唱段演唱艺术研究

    The Research about Maria Callas 's Classical Opera Aria and Singing Art

  3. 动作夸张而华美,有唱段也有宣叙部

    The actions are large and colour , there are arias and recitatives .

  4. B是第二小节为典型的小调三音的循环进行,也同样采用了巧妙的作曲手法将这个简单的音程材料变化成了多种不同情绪的唱段。

    B is the second section is a typical cycle of the sound Minor III , also employs the ingenious composer practices will be this simple change interval materials with a multitude of different emotions part .

  5. 现在,你瞧,这又是另一个致命的唱段。

    Now , lo and behold , another deadly episode .

  6. 第四部分是对歌剧中女主角唱段的演唱探究。

    The fourth part is the heroine of the opera aria concerts explore .

  7. 本文对这两个唱段也做了详尽的分析。

    Our article will thoroughly analyse the two arias .

  8. 论西洋歌剧唱段的选择与教学

    On the Choosing and Teaching of the Western Opera

  9. 本章分析了主要唱段的风格对人物形象的烘托。

    This chapter has analyzed the main aria style to character image contrasting .

  10. 唱段均采用十字句,呈现整齐的豆腐块形式。

    Song lyrics often uses ten words , which presents the neat bean curd form .

  11. 浅析歌剧《原野》中金子的人物塑造及主要唱段的演唱处理

    On the Characterization of Jin Zi and the Singing Techniques in the Opera Savage Land

  12. 二,着重用音乐分析的方法研究歌剧中的男高音唱段;

    Second , focusing on using analytical tools to study tenor aria in the opera ;

  13. 《十里风雪》唱段的人物塑造与声乐教学研究

    " Wind and Snow all over the Way " Aria Figure Shaping and Vocal Teaching and Research

  14. 最后,本文总结了一下关于这些女仆角色的唱段对声乐教学上的意义。

    Finally , the paper summed up what about these " Maid role " songs of vocal teaching significance .

  15. 至今,我们也总能在各种场合听到其咏叹调中的经典唱段。

    Until now , we also can always , in each kind of situation hears in its aria the classical aria .

  16. 本文将选择对女主角金子人物形象的塑造和主要唱段的处理进行一系列的探讨研究。

    This will select the right actress , " JinZi " Figure Sculpture and major aria of a series of processing .

  17. 另外,本文专门对这三部剧中的女仆角色的经典唱段进行了分析。

    In addition , the paper devoted to this drama of the four " Maid role " classic songs were analyzed .

  18. 采用不同速度的发展方法创作出来的唱段也成为形象的塑造的一个重要手段。

    Using different speed up the development of the creative methods part image of the mold has also become an important means .

  19. 本文重点分析在第四章和第五章,以其挖掘《女人心》这部作品中所包含的艺术特色和其中主要唱段的音乐内涵。

    This article focuses on analyzing Chapter IV and Chapter V , inorder to dig up the art features and connotation in the main aria .

  20. 打开唱机,放上一盘徐丽仙的评弹唱段,一边脱衣服一边向厨房走去。

    I turned on the phonograph and put on a record of Xu Li-Xian singing a Suzhou ballad , took off my clothes and walked toward the kitchen .

  21. 一代代大师给我们留下了一幕幕精彩的人生故事,一个个贴近生活的男女主人公,数不清的优美动听的唱段和无数难以忘怀的曲调。

    From generation to generation masters left us a splendid life story , one-to-life hero and heroine , the beautiful and touching aria countless and countless unforgettable tunes .

  22. 本文章主要从三个方面论述《十里风雪》唱段的审美特征与声乐教学研究。

    The article mainly from three areas on the aesthetic characteristics of the " Wind and snow all over the way " aria with vocal teaching and research .

  23. 在谱写唱段和刻画人物心理方面真实细腻,深刻挖掘人物内心深处最隐蔽的角落,描绘出复杂的现实生活情境。

    In the compose of arias and portray the psychology real exquisite , deeply people deep inside the most hidden corners , depict the complex real life situations .

  24. 第四章为歌剧《魔笛》中花腔女高音经典唱段的分析,同样从人物角色、音乐结构及演唱技巧等方面对两首歌剧中的花腔女高音经典唱段进行分析。

    Second , three aspects of the two classical coloratura soprano arias in the Operas , i.e. the characters , musical structure and of singing skills will be analyzed .

  25. 而田玉梅是该剧的主角,六场中均有重要唱段和戏份,因此如何塑造好田玉梅这一艺术形象是值得研究和探讨的。

    Tian Yumei is protagonist in the play . She plays the major arias and drama in six scenes . It is worth of discussing how to play the role .

  26. 比较分析《白毛女》和《党的女儿》中主人公的女高音唱段,以探求演唱者表现艺术作品的情感与思想意义。

    Comparative analysis of the soprano aria in " White-haired girl " and " Daughter of the Party ," intends to explore the artist 's emotional performance art and thought .

  27. 他对于男生声部尤其是男高音声部充满了独特的创作热情,并且创作了众多鲜活的人物形象和脍炙人口的唱段,至今还为人们所津津乐道。

    He filled the unique creation enthusiasm particularly regarding tenor part , and created a lot of lively fresh images and excellent arias which are very popular and much relished so far .

  28. 本文将以这两个主要唱段为例,运用比较论述和归纳阐述等方法对魏云的演唱艺术进行分析论述。

    This will be the two main aria , for example , the use of more elaborate methods such as discussion and summary of the Wei Yun concert artistic characteristics analyzed and discussed .

  29. 在几个主要人物的主要唱段的演唱处理上,依托剧情,分析他们的几首著名唱段,就剧中主要人物的角色定位、演唱与处理进行剖析,提出自己的观点。

    In the dealing of the techniques of the main arias , the paper analyzes the famous arias based on the plot , and role localization , singing , processing and puts forward the viewpoint .

  30. 在演唱特点上,笔者侧重从具体的咬字、吐字、呼吸、共鸣、润腔及人物形象塑造入手,为演唱者演唱这四首歌剧唱段提供了文字性的引导和启发。

    On singing characteristics , the author lays emphasis on specific articulation , enunciation , respiration , resonance , run-cavity and characters ' image . This provides the singer with literal guidance and inspiration on singing these four arias .