
fú rónɡ huā
  • Hibiscus flowers;cotton rose
  1. 结果表明,Zn元素蛋白质结合态分布较多,平均为20.26%,Fe元素蛋白质结合态分布平均为13.06%,金银花和菊花中的Fe、Zn蛋白质结合态形态分布更为接近,而且均比芙蓉花高。

    The results show that the content of protein binding speciation of zinc in the edible flowers is up to 20.26 % in average in which is higher than that of iron 13.06 % .

  2. 在夏季嫁接芙蓉花成活率高,剪砧宜在嫁接后10d左右进行。

    The survival rate of grafting was highest in the season of summer . The best time for cutting off rootstock shoot was on the day 10 after grafting .

  3. 冰雹摧毁了我的芙蓉花。

    The ice storm got my hibiscus ; the cat got the goldfish .

  4. 当鬣鳞蜥第一次出现,并开始狼吞虎咽地吃芙蓉花时,兰格吓了一跳。

    When the iguanas first appeared and began devouring the hibiscus , Langer was startled .

  5. 配料:精选绿茶、柠檬皮、芙蓉花、菊苣、自然柠檬香料、柠檬酸。

    Ingredients : Finest green tea , lemon peel , hibiscus , chicory root , natural lemon flavor and citric acid .

  6. 晚间常常会有颇具艺术气质的本地居民与游客特来品尝掺加了酸梅、橙皮与芙蓉花的鸡尾酒。

    At night , a mix of artsy residents and visitors sip cocktails infused with sour plums , orange peel and hibiscus flowers .

  7. 更有甚者,粗斜纹棉布还可以和夏威夷印染进行搭配,如在牛仔衬衫和裙子上绣上了绚丽的芙蓉花。

    Going one step further , denim and Hawaiian prints were also combined , with denim shirts and skirts embroidered with colorful hibiscus flowers .

  8. 金牛座妈妈温柔恬静、多愁善感,一捧热带的芙蓉花一定会让她开心不已。

    Taurus mom 's soft and sentimental nature can be bowled over by gifting her with a bouquet of tropical hibiscus , which she will just love .

  9. 想知道芙蓉花精是如何设宴的吗?想知道是什么样的咒语将狐狸变成精灵的吗?想知道候鸟之神的真面目吗?

    How does the lotus fairy throw a banquet ? What magical word can make a fox turn into an elf ? What does the god of migrating birds look like ?

  10. 诗人以怡然自得的心境观照自然变化,在花开花落的生灭循环中,见证了芙蓉花瞬时的灿烂。

    With peace of mind the poet accepts all changes of nature as they are , and the blossoming and withering of flowers mean nothing sorrowful but the moment of resplendence when the hibiscus blooms .