
  1. 每当在舞台上,独自唱起自己的歌。

    Whennever song my songs , on the stage , on my own .

  2. 他们点了他们自己的灯,在他们的殿堂里唱起自己的歌。

    They light their own lamps and sing their own words in their temples .

  3. 影片里的角色唱他们自己的歌。

    And the characters sing these songs .

  4. 别惊慌,唱你自己的歌用你的心去做当你能够度过难关,我就知道你可以做的更好。

    Don 't be scared , sing your song bring your soul to it and when you 're through with it I know you 're better than that .

  5. 对这个世界我要我自我最像我的自我人群之中我有最最的独特唱我自己的歌要唱出我的性格。

    To face the world , I only want to be myself , with my most unique style in crowds . I sing my own song , and sing out my character .

  6. 聚餐结束后,举办一场线上K歌大会,每个人都唱自己最喜欢的歌。

    After dinner , have a Virtual Karaoke Party and let everyone sing their favorite song .

  7. 尽管没有谁能听到,他还是边走边唱着赞美自己的歌。

    He began to sing a song about himself as he walked along , although there was no one to hear it .

  8. 女士们先生们今晚我的一个朋友也来了如果你们同意的话你们想听她上台唱一首自己的歌吗

    Come with me . Uh , ladies and gentlemen , I have a friend here tonight.And if it 's OK with you , I was wondering if you 'd like her to come up here and play one of her songs . Is ... is that OK ?

  9. 那个小男孩唱着自己最喜欢的歌,雀跃不已。

    The boy jumped up and down , singing his favorite song .

  10. 在维奥斯特的这个关于毅力的睿智故事中,一个小男孩有一天早上醒来决定在班级才艺表演中唱一首自己写的歌。

    In Viorst 's witty story about perseverance , a little boy wakes up thinking about singing his song in the class talent show .