
mín zú shí bié
  • Ethnic identification;national discrimination [identification]
  1. 文章论述并分析了老挝民族识别与划分的理论和实践。

    This article expounds and analyses Laos ' theory and practice in ethnic identification .

  2. 也论族群认同的现代含义&瓦乡人的民族识别与族群认同的变迁兼与罗树杰同志商榷

    Modern Significance of Ethnic Identity

  3. 语言与民族识别问题

    Language and Ethnic ldentification

  4. 本文指出,族谱在民族识别和民族认同方面具有不容低估的现实意义。

    The authors of the paper hold that the genealogy plays an important realistic role in ethnic identification and ethnic identity .

  5. 首先,应将中国民族识别视为一个历史过程,积极回应未识别民族的利益诉求和认定要求,进一步做好识别、认定工作。

    First of all , we should view the ethnic recognition as a historical process and respond to the interests appeal and recognition of the Unrecognized Minzu .

  6. 前者的成功在于始终坚持传统英伦文化精神,将英伦文化融入品牌文化中,提炼典型英伦元素,并将这些提升改进后的英伦元素转化为品牌标识,具有很强的品牌和民族识别性。

    The success of the former is always adhere to the traditional England cultural spirit , infiltrating British culture into brand culture , refining the typical England element , making the improved element into a brand and it will be highly identifiable about brand and nation .

  7. 为了进一步提高少数民族语种识别系统的性能,把基于MMI准则的区分性训练应用到基线系统框架中。

    In order to further improve the minority language recognition system performance , apply MMI standards to baseline system framework .

  8. 实验结果显示,该方法在多层小波分解的情况下,对于少数民族文种识别的精度好于传统的贝叶斯和KNN。

    Obviously , the experimental result shows that , in multi-level decomposition , the method is better than the traditional Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor ( KNN ) classification in recognition rate .

  9. 这说明,融合后的MMI.SVM系统有效降低了汉语借词对少数民族语种识别的影响。

    This shows that merged MMI-SVM system to reduce the Chinese loanwords on minority language recognition effects .

  10. 清代贵州八十六种苗蛮的民族属性识别。

    6 , Identify the race property about Guizhou 's 86 kinds of " Miaoman " in Manchu Dynasty .

  11. 本文利用自动入脸识别的相关技术研究了民族面部识别领域的内容,重点研究了其特征提取及其识别技术。

    In this paper , the automatic face recognition technology is used to study the classification of ethnic minorities , in which the feature extraction and recognition technology is the keystone .

  12. 建国之初,我国开展了大规模的民族成份识别工作,自此,大陆的每一位居民都有了一个民族身份。

    At the beginning of the foundation of PRC , China launched a large-scale work of identifying Minzu composition . From then on , every resident of the mainland has a Minzu identity .

  13. 本文基于实验室设计制作的电话语音少数民族语种识别数据库,探索提高少数民族语种识别正确率的方法,着重解决少数民族语种识别中所遇到的汉语借词影响识别率的问题。

    This paper , based on the laboratory design telephone voice minority language recognition database , explore improve the method of minority language recognition system , emphatically resolve minority language recognition with Chinese loanwords influence of recognition rate .

  14. 该方法采用多辨识小波分解,从而获得小波能量和小波能量比例分布的特征描述,利用MQDF分类器对少数民族文种进行识别。

    Using wavelet energy and wavelet energy distribution proportion as features by wavelet multi-resolution transform , multivariate classifier in MQDF was constructed .

  15. 基于GMM的语种识别系统,不需要人工标注语料,具有良好的移植性,特别适合于中国少数民族语的语种识别。

    Based on GMM for language identification system does not require manual tagging corpus , so it has a good portable .

  16. 少数民族儿童已具有对民族文化的识别能力,而且随着少数民族儿童年龄的增长,对民族文化的识别能力逐渐增强。

    The ethnic minority children have had to the national culture recognition capability , But also in the wake of the ethnic minority children age the increase , The recognition capability to national culture heightens one by one .

  17. 从族群认同走向民族认同&20世纪中后期广西的民族识别研究之三

    From Ethnic Identity toward National Identity : Third Research on Guangxi 's National Recognition in Mid-and Late 20th Century

  18. 马克思主义民族语言观的中国化主要体现在中国的民族识别工作中以及民族语言文字政策的制定方面。

    The Chinese tendency of the Marxist ethnolinguistics is mostly embodied in the establishment of the national language ;

  19. 实行民族平等政策的国家行动&20世纪中后期广西的民族识别研究之一

    Ethnic Identification : A National Action to Implement Ethnic Equality Policy