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  • 网络The fifth group;Group 5
  1. 小麦第五组同祖染色体上春化反应基因的定位及其效应的研究

    A Study on the Location and the Effect of the Vernalization Responsive Genes on the Chromosomes of Homoeologous Group 5 of Wheat

  2. 第五组元素Cs的累积既受自然因素的影响也受多种人类活动的作用,为混合因子。

    The fifth group element , Cs , which was affected by natural factors and human activities , was the blending factor .

  3. 粉尘螨第五组主要变应原(Derf5)的克隆表达、纯化及免疫原性鉴定

    Cloning , Expression , and Purification of Dust Mite Der f5 and the Evaluation of Its Immunogenicity

  4. 又坐到第五组了,自然是一百个不情愿。

    Sit fifth group , and are naturally reluctant to100 .

  5. 第五组因子,胃脘胀满、嗳气、乏力。

    The fifth group of factors , epigastric fullness , belching , fatigue .

  6. 第五组只有图灵一个人。

    The fifth section consisted of Alan Turing alone .

  7. 混凝土的第五组分&化学外加剂

    The Fifth Constituent of Concrete - Chemical Additive

  8. 现代混凝土科学的发展离不开化学外加剂的使用,化学外加剂已成为现代混凝土必不可少的第五组分,在工程中已经得到了广泛的应用。

    Chemical admixtures have become the fifth component of modem concrete and have been widely used in the engineering works .

  9. 随着建筑行业的发展,混凝土外加剂已经成为新型混凝土(高性能、多功能、特种乃至普通混凝土)不可缺少的第五组分,不同的外加剂可以使混凝土耐久性获得不同程度的改善和提高。

    With the development of construction industry , concrete admixtures have been the fifth necessary component of new type concrete . They can improve the durability of concrete .

  10. 届时,500个机器人将配备2500名真人球员分组竞技,依机器人体积的大小,将分为四组角逐冠军。而同时进行的第五组比赛则是完全虚拟的,两支各有11名球员的球队将在一个模拟器中竞技。

    The 500 robots will be joined by 2500 human players , with teams competing in four championships , depending on the size of robot . A fifth , completely virtual , competition runs alongside the four championships , with two teams of 11 players pitted against each other in a simulator .

  11. 第五地区组设立了产品展示厅,展示上海地区会员单位的主要产品,便于会员之间信息和技术的交流。

    Shanghai branch of CETA found a " exhibit hall ", showing the main products of the members in Shanghai , to help members exchange informations and technology .

  12. 结果:第四、五组左侧颌骨的长度比其它组短。

    Resalts : The left length in group 4.5 was shorter than that in other group , group 5 was the shortest one .

  13. 第四、第五组是在初配时注射PMSG,复配时分别注射LRH-3和HCG。

    In group IV & V , PMSG and LRH-3 + HCG were injected respectively when first and second mating .

  14. 偿还特遣队所属装备费用问题第五阶段后工作组

    Post-Phase V Working Group on Reimbursement of Contingent-Owned Equipment

  15. 第五章对多组分催化剂体系进行了研究。

    At first , the system of two - component - catalyst is studied .

  16. 丙氨瑞林可使小鼠潜伏期明显减少,低剂量组在第五天与对照组差异不显著;错误反应次数在前三天内均较对照组有所减少。

    Latency of mice was decreased obviously by alarelin , No significant difference was observed between the the low dose group and the control group in fifth day . The mistake reaction frequencies in model group was obviously increase than that in normal control within three days before .