
  • 网络the first system
  1. 研究了节段模型桥面系在第一系统作用下的受力状态。

    The stress state in " first system " of the segmental model was studied .

  2. 结果表明:第一系统作用下,正交异性整体钢桥面结构的横梁有一定的面外弯曲,桥面板有剪切滞后现象。

    The results showed that the cross girders of the orthotropic steel bridge had out-of-plate bending stress , and the bridge deck had obvious shear lag phenomenon under the function of the " first system " . 5 .

  3. 第一系统回顾和分析了地下水数值模拟的国内外发展现状、主要数值方法的原理和应用,首次将有限体积法引入泉域地下水系统的数值模拟中来。

    The central contents are as follows : Firstly , systemically summarize and analyze the domestic and foreign developing status of numerical simulation of groundwater , the principles and application of the main numerical methods , and introduce the finite volume method into the numerical simulation of groundwater firstly .

  4. 第一个子系统包括Director服务器及其相关的DB2客户端实例。

    The first subsystem includes Director server and its associated DB2 client instance .

  5. 第一次系统的将UML用于油气藏动态分析软件系统建模。

    It is the first time to apply UML to performance analysis software system .

  6. 第一个系统的配置可以使用任何Linux发行版本,需要有为其开发驱动程序的设备。

    The first setup requires any Linux distribution and the device for which you are writing the device driver .

  7. RO通常是这个系列中第一个系统。

    RO is often the first system in this series .

  8. 经过很多努力,我好不容易在我的第一个系统上安装好了HP工具箱。

    I managed , after much struggling , to get the HP Toolbox icon installed on my first system .

  9. 数字HDTV地面广播传输方法第一讲系统概述

    Terrestrial Broadcast Transmission of Digital HDTV ( 1 ) The Transmission Systems

  10. 1979年美国斯坦福大学的学者Efron第一次系统地提出了Bootstrap方法。

    The bootstrap methods were raised by Efron , a scholar from Stanford University , in 1979 .

  11. 统计学习理论第一次系统地研究了样本有限情况下的机器学习问题,并提出了一种通用机器学习方法&支持向量机(SVM)。

    Statistical learning theory , the first theory that systematically studies the problem of machine learning with small size samples , put forward a kind of general machine learning method & Support Vector Machine ( SVM ) .

  12. 接下来,论文第一次系统的从物理安全策略、移动终端身份安全、移动IP各实体间的多层认证、用户数据传输安全四个角度论述了移动IP技术的安全策略。

    Aiming at this problem , the paper expatiates the security policy of the mobile IP technology from four aspects including physical security policy , authentication of the mobile terminal , multilateral-authentication on entities of the mobile IP system and encryption of user data .

  13. 本文讨论了匹配排队网络模型PH/M/c→○PH/PH/1的忙期,给出第一子系统忙期的概率分布函数及其LS变换,并给出其算法。

    We consider the matched queueing network PH / M / c →○ PH / PH / 1 . The probability distribution function and its LS transform of the busy period of the first subsystem is derived , and the simplified algorithm for it is given .

  14. 第一个系统是利用关于两个被承诺值的准确区间证明和2轮并发零知识论证的Sigma协议编译器对底层的Blanton方案进行扩展得到的。

    The first system was obtained by extending the underlying scheme of Blanton with the precise range proof of two committed values and the Sigma-compiler for two round concurrent zero-knowledge argument .

  15. Marko已经找到他的第一份系统管理员工作:在远端为一个残障人士的非营利团体管理网路。

    Marko already has his first gig as a system administrator , remotely managing a network of computers for a nonprofit that works with people with disabilities .

  16. 但是,在这种测试中,只使用任何节点的第一个系统板载以太网适配器,而且只使用一个netserver实例和一个netperf实例。

    In this case though , only the first system board Ethernet adapter of any node was utilized and by one instance of netperf along with one instance of netserver .

  17. 第一个子系统由一台上位PC机和由Bitbus相连的三台工控机组成,用于加速器运行状态和记录慢信号。

    First of the three main subsystems consists of a supervisory PC and three front industrial control computers connected via Bitbus and is used for running the accelerator and recording slow signals .

  18. 在此基础上系统阐述了整个二叠纪海相碳酸盐岩的δ13C和δ18O的演化与海平面升降的关系,第一次系统建立了二叠纪古海洋碳酸盐岩的碳、氧同位素演化曲线。

    Based on the above , the paper also elaborates systematically the evolution of δ 13C and δ 18O in the Permian marine carbonate rocks and its relation with sea level change and establishes the evolution curves of the carbon and oxygen isotopes in the Permian period .

  19. 第一部分系统地总结了双线性微分算子的性质以及孤子方程的双线性化工作。介绍解的Wronskian和Pfaffian表示形式,包括Grammian型解的表示形式;

    Part I is devoted to summarize some properties of Hirota 's bilinear operators , the properties of Wronskian and Pfaffian that appears in the expression of the N-soliton solution of the soliton equation .

  20. 第一部分系统阐述了幕墙玻璃的常规设计方法。

    The normal method of curtain-wall glass design is systematically elaborated .

  21. 本文第一部分系统分析了汉代城市的发展状况。

    To analyze the development of the Han Dynasty Urban systematically .

  22. 第一部分系统研究农村人力资本培育的有关理论。

    The first part is the theory of rural human capital cultivation .

  23. 第一是系统框图设计。

    The first is the system block diagram design .

  24. 第一节系统梳理了我国医疗责任保险制度的现行规范体系,发现我国并没有具有法律效力层级的医疗责任保险制度规范。

    Section I is about systematic medical liability insurance in the current situation .

  25. 《文心雕龙》意想说是中国古代第一个系统的理论学说。

    Wen-Hsin Tiao-Lung 's Image Theory was the first Chinese ancient systematic theory .

  26. 各章的主要研究内容如下:第一章系统地综述了产品设计的概念及发展。

    The chapter one , systematically overview the concept and development of product design .

  27. 《女诫》对中国女性道德的第一次系统影响

    Influence the First Ethical Systems of Chinese Women in Terms of The Daughter Warns

  28. 该书是第一部系统探讨我国古代自然地理学各分支学科发展历史的著作,在体系上和若干领域上有所创新。

    In system and in some aspects , the book brings forth new idea .

  29. 第一个系统的配置:开发/主机机器

    The first setup : Development / host machine

  30. 第一章系统研究了战略及其营销战略理论的发展历史,作为本文研究的理论基础和分析依据。

    In chapter one research history of strategy and marketing strategy is summarized systematically .