
  • 网络government employee
  1. 政府雇员制的运行困境与服务型政府的构建

    The Puzzledom of Government Employee System and Construction of Service Government

  2. 我国政府雇员制研究

    The Research on the System of Government Employee in China

  3. 政府雇员制在我国是新兴事物。

    The Government Employee System is something new in China .

  4. 我国政府雇员制实施现状及其思考

    The Actualities and Thoughts on The System of Government Employee in China

  5. 政府雇员制是市场经济不断发展、全球化和信息化不断加深的必然产物。

    The system of government employees is inevitable result of the developing .

  6. 我国政府雇员制的实践探索与制度创新研究

    Study of Our Country Government Employee System Practice Explore and the System Innovation

  7. 我国政府雇员制的发展困境及其路径选择

    Development Dilemma and Routing Choices of Government Employee System

  8. 第五章对无锡新区实施政府雇员制情况进行阐述。

    Chapter V of the Wuxi New District government employee system in the situation described .

  9. 第三个主体部分:完善我国政府雇员制的原则及举措。

    The third part : principles and measures on perfecting the system of government employee .

  10. 并以此为基础,对完善我国的政府雇员制的对策提出初步意见。

    At last , I put forward the suggestions of consummating government employee system in china .

  11. 我国地方政府雇员制实施现状与问题研究

    The Study on the Government Employee System 's Implementation and Problems of Local Government in China

  12. 在一定程度上,政府雇员制是现行公务员制度的有益补充。

    To a certain extent , government employees system is a useful complement to the existing civil service system .

  13. 政府雇员制自开始实施至今,人们对其褒贬不一。

    At present , people have different opinions on the effect of the implementation of the system of government employee .

  14. 同时,通过对我国目前基本的经济、社会政治环境进行多角度分析,以为我国实行政府雇员制给予有力的可行性论证。

    Meanwhile , it supplies an analyze to the feasibility of the system by analyzing the fundamental environment in our country .

  15. 从政府雇员制到公务员聘任制&公共部门人力资源管理的制度完善与创新

    From Government Employment System to Civil Servant Appointment System & Improvement and innovation of human resources management system in public departments

  16. 从整体上讲,由于政府雇员制是舶来品,不同学者立场和视角各异产生了各自不同理解。

    Since the Government Employee system is something new from the west , the scholars ' standpoints vary from each angle of view .

  17. 近年来,学术界对政府雇员制进行了不少研究,也存在一些争议。

    In recent years , the academic system of government employees to conduct a lot of research , there are also some controversy .

  18. 但由于政府雇员制尚处于试行探索阶段,在理论研究和实践过程中都存在一些问题。

    However , due to government employees system , which is still in the pilot stage of exploration , there are some problems in the theoretical study and practical process .

  19. 政府雇员制借鉴市场用人机制,已成为改革政府人事制度,提高各级政府行政效率的一个积极手段。

    Government employees learn from the market system and employment mechanism has become the reform of government personnel system , and improving administrative efficiency at all levels of government as a positive tool .

  20. 积极的来看,政府雇员制将是我国政治文明建设的一项重要举措,它开始将公开、公正和公平的社会治理原则向社会的纵深层面展开。

    The government employee system will be an importance political civilization construction raises of our country that start public , just and fair of society managed the principle to society of deep noodles launch .

  21. 政府雇员制是通过市场化、契约化的方法来解决现行公务员制度中待遇偏低、用人机制不灵活等政府吸引人才的瓶颈。

    Through market-oriented and contractual approach , government employees system is introduced to solve the bottleneck of the government attracting talent in the current civil service system , such as low pay , inflexible employment mechanism .

  22. 政府雇员制发展的最终趋势是政府雇员公司,这种制度可以造就激励相容的机制,从而提高政府服务的水平,建立真正的服务型政府。

    The tendency of the government employee system is the government employee company . This system can stimulate the consistent mechanism that can promote the level of government service and set up a real government of service .

  23. 摘要政府雇员制本质上就是掌握专业知识的单纯“经济人”为追求自身利益而对公共领域的一种介入。

    This article , through the role position and analysis of government employees , concludes they possess dual natures of " public person " and " economic man ", so they will pursue both pubic interest and self-interest .

  24. 虽然学界及管理层都曾围绕着政府雇员制的内涵界定、社会动因、运行模式,以及所产生的利弊等问题进行了讨论,也存在一些争议。

    While the academic and the management have discussed about the content Definition of government employees system , social motives , operating mode , the pros and cons and other issues , there are also some controversy about the system .

  25. 本研究试图通过对政府雇员制的理论和典型模型的解析,并借鉴部分发达国家和地区的成功经验,与我国的实际情况结合起来进行分析研究。

    This study attempts made by government employees and the typical model of the theoretical analysis , and learn from some of the successful experience of developed countries and regions , and the combination of the actual situation in China were analyzed .

  26. 因此,我国政府雇员制和公务员制度应该有效结合,互利互促,协同履行政府人事管理职能,发挥各自的比较优势,合理高效的完成政府人力资源管理和开发的任务。

    So the government employee system and civil service system should be effective combination and mutually reinforcing relationship , which together perform the functions of government personnel management , they play their respective advantages and complete tasks of the government human resource development and management efficiently .

  27. 政府雇员制是指纳税人出资委托政府从社会上雇用专门人才服务于政府某项工作或某一政府工作部门,但雇员不具有行政职务、不行使行政权力、不占用行政编制的一种人事制度。

    Government employee system is a personal system that taxpayers use money to entrust government to employ specific talents from society to serve a department of government and the employees do not have administrative duty , do not enforce administrative rights and do not have administrative post .

  28. 试图探讨政府雇员制当前在我国地方政府的用人机制中所发挥的作用,实施的状况及存在的问题,并据此提出完善我国政府雇员制度的基本思路和建议。

    Attempts to explore the current system of government employees , local government employment in our country take the role of the mechanism to implement the state and the existence problems , and accordingly put forward a sound system of our government employees , the basic ideas and suggestions .

  29. 一方面,政府雇员制创新了政府人事管理的理念,促进了我国政府人事制度的改革,提高了政府行政效率和公共服务供给能力,产生了鲶鱼效应。

    On the one hand , the system of government employee innovates the idea of governmental human resource management , accelerates the reform of governmental human resource system , enhances the administrative efficiency and the ability of providing public service , and brings about the " Catfish Effect " .

  30. 政府雇员制对于沈阳市区级政府而言还是一种崭新的人事管理制度,是区级政府创新用人机制、引进急需专业技术人才的重要举措。

    For the district-level governments of Shenyang city , Government Employee System ( GES ) is still a new personnel management system , it is a very important act for district-level governments who want to innovate the employ mechanism and introduce the professional and technology personnel whom are urgently needed .